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SLC Flyfishing

Fish Crazy
Apr 18, 2006
Reaction score
S.L.C. Utah, U.S.A.
So I've completely emptied and sterilized the nano cube from it's freshwater stint, now I'm just waiting for christmas. I'm a poor married with 1 kid college student so I'm relying on my mother and wife to give me giftcards from the LFS to get the live rock and other startup epuip, sounds pathetic huh!

Anyway, I need to get another piece of advice! During the curing of the liverock, (tank cycle) how long if at all does everyone suggest to leave the lights on in the tank? I know I'll be looking for diatom growth to know when it's time for cleanup crew, but do diatoms require light to flourish? Sorry in advance if this is one of those questions that gets asked all the time, I just want to make sure I go about this with the best chance of success!

Thanks in advance!

as betta 5 eterny of law he is not abliged to share any such information :shifty: :nod: :p :/

He might not be obliged (an attorney should be able to spell BTW), but it would be very misleading if you just made statements as bold as that without anything to back you up.

:p :lol:
Thanks for the help! Because there's no real consensus here, I'm going to assume that about 4-6 hours per day is acceptable!

How about seahorses? I've read that they can be difficult to feed but are otherwise fairly hardy, is there a problem keepin them is a reef? Also can they be kept with small fish such as the smaller gobies people normally keep in a 12 gallon Nano?

What I've heard about seahorses is that there sensitive to water parameters and cannot be in a tank with a fast eating fish or else it will starve. Unless you feed it with a turkey baster. Check with www.seahorses.org for more.
Yeah, seahorses are fine in a reef if thats all that's in there for swimming livestock. Anything else will out-compete them for food :(
as betta 5 eterny of law he is not abliged to share any such information :shifty: :nod: :p :/

He might not be obliged (an attorney should be able to spell BTW), but it would be very misleading if you just made statements as bold as that without anything to back you up.

:p :lol:
Just so you know, when your not looking, little sea gnomes jump out of the LR and make funny faces at you. It's true.
Watch what corals you put in the reef with seahorses. Not all reef's are safe for your SH's, because they can grab onto corals which sting them, leading to infections and sores etc. As posted by Mr.S, seahorses.org has a list of compatable and non-compatable coral sp. I believe.

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