I'm An Internet Celeb!


Rabid Betta Activist
Jan 24, 2005
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Ok, so a while ago, I was on this very amusing, very odd website called "animals have problems too." Basically, you send in suggestions of a species and some bizzare and unlikely problem it may have, and the author will mix/match and come up with a usually amusing, always weird picture for it. A while ago, I suggsted a betta. I forget which problem I suggested, not the one given, but I'm sure this one is much funnier. The page's author spelled betta wrong (maybe he thinks the current fish are "beta" testers for some futuristic fish with rainbow colors that can live out of the water and kill house robbers with a single flare?), but the picture and quote crack me up. And, since I suggested it, I now have my name on the page. Aw, I'm such a loser for being excited about this. :p

Bettas have problems, too!

Oh, if this is spam, I'm sorry. Please do shoot me in the kneecap and delete ;)
that was cute! there are some pretty funny ones in there! too bad for his unfortunate betta spelling! :p
I have actually seen betta sites list the alternative spelling beta for the fish.

Very cool Random. Thanks for sharing.
Haha, nice.

New link, since it has been updated and the old one is now to a chameleon that can't get a date :p
Thanks for re-linking that! I just spent about 20 minutes going through the pages of animals with problems and still didn't get to the "Beta"

I can't get either link to work =( It did earlier but I was on the phone and only glanced at it.

What do you mean,jollysue?
Jollysue, are you asking how to make a link so that it shows up as a word that you click on? If so, you have one of two options. The easiest is to click the "insert link" button on the screen when posting; it is shaped like a little globe with a chain under it, and comes after the "A" and before the letter on the toolbar up above. However, if you would like to do it manually, take the following code and plug in the url and words you want, taking away the $'s I've put in.

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