If You Would Like To See My Fish Come Here Please :)

TallTree01 said:

How big are them bowls? Don't look bigger than 5 gals to me...
5 gallon: 3 goldfish, 4 female bettas.1 gallon: male Veiltail betta1 gallon: male veiltail betta1 gallon: male crowntail betta1 gallon: female crowntail betta
They're not.
< sighs >
Bettas need a minimum of 5 gallons.
Goldfish need 30. 55+ is preferable. A pond is ideal.

Yeah, you're preaching to the choir here - it's SeaGoddess you have to convince :(
She's planning on upgrading the betta homes if I remember right. Dunno about the Goldies though. I hope she's gonna upgrade them.
There is a post about possibly doing a split tank for the bettas and putting the goldies into a horse trough. For the latter there has been a small discussion about impact for the horse and so forth.
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