If you won lotto

i would just want 2 more tanks.

1 300-400 gal for a few arowanas and stingrays and the other for a trimac, jag, midas, and a red terror. Oh and throw in a tiger shovelnose cat :)
i, like many of the above, would have many tanks. i would have one, the biggist one 6 people could carry, full of different schools of tetras. one, again the largest, with some kind of chiclid (i really like oscars). then i would probably start breeding all the livebearers again, see what interesting colors/shapes i can get. then i would have a really big marine setup, with the strange looking fish in it. all the tanks would be planted heavily, with caves and the like.
Some great answers! See, I tried to make a limit but the thought of having won lotto has sent people into a world of imagination and dreams, long live the dream!
My dream tank would be so big that I would need to throw on the scuba gear just to clean the stickies off the walls! They just don't make mag-floats that big!
500 gal reef tank in my basement taking up the whole wall with stingrays jellyfish and moray eels ONLY oh and a frontosa tank
Yeah actually FTBME I have had the dream where my two story house was just two fish tanks the first side has SA/CA cichlids of all kinds and the other half is my own little lake Malawi

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