If You Tank Was Empty And You Could Put Anything In It...

If my 3ft was empty i would sell it, get a 4ft and then put My EBJD back in :)
If I had a hugeeeee tank. I'd go Oscars and Aro's, but realistically, i'd go for a Malawi Cichlid setup

id have what ive got now but on a muuuuch bigger scale. id have say a 30 or 40 foot tank with say 300 discus and about 2000 cardinals :drool:
Oh the possibilities..... I'd have to be a total saddo and stick with my syno's. I just love them to bits. :wub: But I would give them a much larger tank and the EBJD pair could have their current tank! :hyper: Actually that's what I plan to do hopefully within the next year so kinda cheating a bit. :blush:
Wow, erm.

100 gallon planted tank with about 200 green neon tetras and a pair of 6 inch black angel fish.

Shush, I know the green neons would get munched :lol:

Or maybe a massive oscar biotope!

Or, or . . . a huge paludarium with poison dart frogs and a sea of brightly coloured shoaling fish.

Always wanted a red tailed catfish or iridescent shark as well.
I actually would also want a gigantic tank (preferably at least 2000 gallons. :shifty: ) with a bunch of guppies. See how long it would take them to fill it! :lol:

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