If You Have Moonlight, You Need Glofish

Its because of what is to come in a sense.

Flourescent danios weren't made for public sale. They were made for scientific testing. It was after that where people had the idea to sell them. It's also not a mutation, it's a modification. You literally grab the dna for the flourescence and the pop it in a piece of DNA where you know what the dna does and as such you cause no issue to the fish at all.

In that way maybe you can see how it'll never happen to dogs and cats... particularly as they aren't used often (at all) as model organisms. We might see a glowing mouse... but that's about it. And again... it wouldn't necessarily end up for sale to the public. More likely it would stay in labs.
Also people wild fish are NOT ugly. Of all the fish I keep only 2 are tank strains, every other fish is as it appears in the wild in its beautiful unaltered state. IMO tank strains look just barely less fake then glofish. But what it comes down to people is keep what ever you like in this hobby. I like wild type fish, I am in school as a biomajor and have experience messing with organisms. I've made bacteria glow using the same gene from the glofish. I have absolutely nothing against the glofish, other then I think the zebra danio looks 10 times better. But opinions are only opinions.
i still like them and now im considering getting them. i dont think symon intended on starting a big argument about "if glofish are ethical"
Not at all, it seen that any time someone mention glofish this argument come to live again, i won't argue about this, i just like then, and i could wait till saturday and i get 8 glofish more, i'll try to make some videos of then under moonlight.
i don't see how not buying dyed fish is good.
if anything, your taking them out of the deplorable LFS conditions and putting them into your tank with much better conditions.
you should buy them if you ask me. atleast you can make their lives better

UMMMM because of basic supply and demand principles. If you are creating a demand (buying fish that are dyed) then supply will keep up (create/torture more fish).

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