If you had a 200 gallon tank....

I would find different types of sharks that get alone together. Like a school of bala with one red tail shark. And see if any other sharks get a long with those two. Sharks are my favorite. Then I would look for a bigger tank and die of happyness, because of all the wonderfull fishes. :wub: :wub: :fish:
i would fill it up with a giant skool of bala sharks and loads of different giant eels
I would get arctic Greyling, they ussually have reds and purples in there sail fin, Gosh they would sell like mad if someone line bred them for being red and purple as apose to grey.
200 gallons! what size are we talking there?

I would love to see a big school of 50 or so tetras or danios :)
200 gallons really isnt that big, for those that have not seen one this is my 200g


it really wouldnt be suitable for any fish larger than about 2 feet in length max.
CFC said:
200 gallons really isnt that big, for those that have not seen one this is my 200g


it really wouldnt be suitable for any fish larger than about 2 feet in length max.
Bloody CFC showing off his big ones again!! :p

He's right though, it's not that big, but I would say it's bigger than average.
Lol if 200 gallons isnt big..should i change it to 500 gallon!? :p

Lol cfc is rubbin it in again :lol:

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