If you had a 200 gallon tank....

CFC said:
I would get

Scleropages jardini
Ageneiosus brevifilis
Leiarius pictus
Hemisorubim platyrynchos
3x Sorubim lima
Pimelodus albofasciatus
2x Pimelodus ornatus
Megladoras irwini
2x Hoplosternum thoratacum
3x Agamyxsis pectinifrons
Crenicichla sveni
Astronotus ocellatus, Oscar
3x Heros severus, Green severum
Satanoperca jurapari
Polypterus ornatipinnus
Polypterus delhizi
Polypterus senegalus
Chrysichthys ornatus
Potamotrygon motoro, FW stingray

Oh wait, i already have :p
I would have a massive school of bengal danios or maybe glowlight danios, or danio hikari, or.... oh well you get the idea :)
i would sell it to some dum@$$ for way to much and buy a 500 gal :p

then maybe i would buy:

option 1
1 dovvi
option 2
1 beani
option 3
a massive school of neons and blue rams
option 4
assorted big cichlid schools like a few firemouths, a coloney of convicts blue acaras, electric blue JDs,some oscars and BPs and green terrors
a school of Black Ghost Knifes :nod:

i wouldnt mind five 500 gal tnks so i could have all my options though :p
Pretty much the same as I already have in my 140g, but a with a few more eartheaters!!!
Black Arowana
Big school of rummy nose tetras
3 Harems of Apistos

One tiger shovelnose catfish, 3 freshwater barracudas, and a school of bala sharks.

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