Man of fish
I'm Interested in.... ----|> that
I'd buy the GA aquarium or make my own aquarium. You said money wasn't an issue, so there shouldn't be parameters
I'd hire a staff and my job would be to take care of a few of the freshwater tanks, and 1 or 2 of the salty tanks. I've got dreams, but money is an issue so I'd have to settle for working there
But for your parameters,
I'd love to have a 20'x5'x5' tank with a turn at the 14' mark in my bedroom.
I'd fill it with exotic fish and I'd have auto w/c.
I'd hire a staff and my job would be to take care of a few of the freshwater tanks, and 1 or 2 of the salty tanks. I've got dreams, but money is an issue so I'd have to settle for working there
But for your parameters,
I'd love to have a 20'x5'x5' tank with a turn at the 14' mark in my bedroom.