If Anyone Has Time.


Fish Addict
May 20, 2007
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Well, I wondering are there any cichlids that don't eat real plants. And if you care to list them, can you list their common names? I don't know all the scientif names and would hate to look at google all day lol. Thanks in advance.
Well many south american cichlids aren't as keen on plants as their african cousins. I would try severums, parrots, discus, angelfish, and almost any other south american cichlid. They are mostly carnivores.
Severums demolish plants. That's why I was wondering. Thanks btw.
Angelfish, Discus, Rams and Kribensens seem to be alright with plants :)
Severums demolish plants. That's why I was wondering. Thanks btw.
Not really, depends on the severum. AT my lfs, we keep a full grown sev in a heavily planted tank and he wont even touch anything but the pellets we feed him. I have one in my 55 gallon which is extremely planted, mine doesnt touch them either. Most of the New world cichlids wont bother your plants. The biggest problem with cichlids, especially central and south american, are their diggin habits in the gravel which uproots plants and is just kinda annoying. I would just cruise the new world cichlids species index and see what you like as there are so many options.

Thanks everyone. I was really wondering do the following cichlids eat plants.

Green Terror
Red Devil
Jack Dempsey
i'm not sure about the Cichlids you have listed as I've never own any of those I can only speculate, there for I won't. I can say how ever that I have a Turquise Severum and he absolutly creamates every live plant I stick in the tank, I have to replace some every week. I also own a Parrot Cichlid that tries to eat the plants but do to there unique mouths it is unable to. All the Angels I ever owned have never harmed any live plants.
Ive owned all but the red devil, Whilst none of those in my experience are plant eaters they can be amazing diggers, and are VERY likelly to dig up a plant and demolish it as they rearrange the decor to their liking :D Most of the big new world cichlids will aquascape as they see fit :D. That might includ literally piling all the substrate in one half of the tank!

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