
Bit of a long shot, but from the deep body shape, perhaps a Colombian Tetra?

I've still yet to deal with my unwanted "Brucy bonuses" when I bought a group of social Pyjama Synodontis about a month a go... During that time, two Convict Cichlid fry have at least tripled in size to ~2cm TL, which although they will love my hard water could wreak havok as they get older!
Well I've looked at all the suggestions and I suppose the Rosy Tetra is the closest. My fish however is an overall grey colour and has a very long fine almost curling dorsal fin. Both the dorsal fin and the pelvic and anal fins are a very dull red with black tips. I will try and get a better picture but he keeps disappearing in the weeds.

None of my friends would have added him. I think the only explanation is that some fry must have been in a bag of new fish but they would have to have been very small for me not to have seen them.
The mystery goes on! Thank you all for your suggestions, I'll try and post another pix - if I can get one!

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