Identification (please)

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Apr 22, 2003
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As usual, I saw a pretty plant so I bought it :hyper: :hyper: can anybody identify it? and give me some info on it??


..and please, if (as i suspect) I get the 'semi aquatic' speil, do it gently!!! :*)

ps, pic taken some 12 hours after planting - and the dollars have left it alone :wizard:
Cant remember the name... But isn't that normal plant? Not aquarium...
That looks a lot like an anubias flower to me. I have an Anubias nana with 2 flowers on right now.

I'm not sure though. And, I do admit mine looks a little different. It is green peddle instead of white, and your's looks upside down from mine.
Blossom seems to be quite BIG for Anubias... Or the pictures is just odd :p (Or im just too tired, it's 1.15am here, Zzzz...) If you can get whole pictures of plant.

I though it is that normal plant... Hmm.. What's the name?? Somekind of like Dieffenbachia maculata...
If I didnt know any better I would swear that it is a Peace Lilly, As far as I know they only need watered when they need much is bad. So I am more than likely wrong but thats what it looks like

If I didnt know any better I would swear that it is a Peace Lilly.... So I am more than likely wrong...

Me too B) That's the plant I ment, but didn't remember name... Although if Im not wrong, you can keep plants roots in water/aquarium.
Hey, thanks for the replies :D Well, the Dollars ate the flowers pretty damn quick so shall have to wait to see if it flowers agin for another pic (kinda thinking its probs semi aquatic and will die afore it flowers agin)
If its a peace lily and I have no idea as the pic wouldn't load then the ones I have had only required water when they began to wilt. If you over water them then they will get root rot. I had mine for several years before I lost it to fire ants (for those of you who have never been in the southeastern US they are little ants that bite you and it stings like fire, itches for days, and forms a blister-like sore). However, I have seen aquatic plants on the net that look exactly like peace lilies so I will try and find one of them again and post the link or a pic so you can see if that is what you have.
Looks like a Spathiphyllum Wallisii, commonly grown in places like Singapore for the aquatic trade, it will probably last about 2-3 months and then die off.
If you seperate them out into smaller clumps they usually grow well, I have used them in Terrarium conditions with good drainage around the roots, and they grew very well.
Thanks Tim,
Flowers all gone (eaten) but have 3 plants in the tank - will they flower again?
doh! thats no good then - the dollars would be right p*****d if I did that to them :crazy: nice leaves though :D
Stick some echinodorus in then (amazon sword plants) as the leaves are similar, and your fish will think it's smorgasboard time! lol.

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