Ideas For New 25g Tank?


New Member
Jun 16, 2007
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We have just been given a 25 gallon tank. (We already have a gravelled 15g - see sig).

We wanted to put some more extravagant fish in (ie siamese fighting fish or angel fish)...yes, these are extravagent for us lol

We wanted to put sand in the bottom, but how easy is it to clean?

Also, how sturdy is a metal tank stand. Its on one of those, and I am worried about my 10 month old pulling it over. Should I put it in a room where he doesn't go? Or will it be ok.

THanks :)
I'm not sure on how sturdy metal tank stands are as I've never used one.
Angel fish need a tank that is at least 18" high and 25G could be a little small for one. Siamese fighters are best kept in a tank on their own due to their aggression and also because they are targets for fin nipping. Having a Betta in a community tank will restrict what else you can put in there.
You could go for some female Bettas as they make better community fish.

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