Id Shark Skin Condition

Actually you have been a big help, it helps to run through possibilities with people, process of elimination is the best way to solve things.
Well I'm 18 hours into the triple sulfa meds and I'm suppose to do another round tonight, waters looking murky I do have great aeration going and fish seem to be ok... It's like waiting for a patient to come out of surgery
It is an awful situation, particularly as you have had him so long. I will keep my fingers crossed the med combo works :) let me know how you get on. My only other suggestion would be to soak some food in garlic, this usually will entice them to eat and help boost the immune system too. If you soak some prawn or pellets in a couple of drops of garlic juice or slice some up and leave it in water with a prawn or pellet then remove it and feed works too.
Best of luck :)
Thanks, so I did a video to try and capture the problem. Here's a link if you'd like to see, keep in mind I have full aeration and triple sulfa meds in the tank making the water look as it does
Any input is always appreciated
Oh boy he is desperately skinny compared to the other one, The wound looks really clean though, its just the skin which is weird. My only other suggestion would be once you have done the course of triple sulfa, try a course of an anti internal parasite med, just in case that skinnyness is down to internal parasites running riot because his immune system is low.
Have you had any joy getting him to eat?. 
Hi, yes he does eat well and still an active swimmer as you can see. He was as thick as the other one prior to this condition .
The triple Sulfa direst ions are to give dosage, wait 24 hours, give dosage, wait 24 hours, water change 25%, wait 24 hours and repeat
I wonder if a parasite med can be used with the triple sulfa.
But I wonder, if it was a parasite would it be contained to one fish? Or does a parasite take it's time to latch onto a new host?
I really can't tell if it's getting better, I'm not a dr nor have I experienced this in the 15 years the tanks been running.
I would like to do a complete overhaul of my eheim canister filter but I don't think I should at this time even though I have two filters running
Some fish have intestinal worms which are never a problem until the fish is either stressed (moved to another tank, transported from one shop to home etc) or the fish has become sick with another problem, then they multiply and the fish looses condition - which I am taking a wild guess this maybe happening with this chap.
He is amazingly lively considering his condition. Can you get waterlife products in Canada?  you could try a booster called Vitazin, you soak food in it, I use it from time to time, it has added vitamins and minerals in it.
It wouldn't harm to clean out the filters, just do one a week. The cleaner you can keep the tank the best chance he has (I hope)
Hi, thanks for the tip! Unfortunately I haven't been able to find that manufacturer but I have been soaking their shrimp pellets with "fuel for reefs" (the fish store guy recommended it for its vitamin content) along with two drops of "garlic extreme" seems healthy to me
So after the water change I did another round of "triple sulfa" and finished it off with another water change
I don't know if it's just wishful thinking but he seems a lot better, has put weight back on and the damage to the skin seems to be a lot better, I added a video, perhaps someone can give their opinion as to whether he looks better.
I did lose a clown loach on Sunday with very short notice, no visual ailments but he was lathargic and didn't eat for two days and when I went to poke him he wouldn't move. I'm hoping it was old age, he was about 10 years old
Oh btw... Had the water tested, levels are all ok except for PH being at 5 (5 being the lowest reading on the test)
Going to try using a buffer to get it up (that's what he said) once I am comfortable with the fishes health. I have had it low for a loooong time so I am sure the old guys are used to it.
So, as someone once said (which I already knew). About groups of fish, now that I am down to one clown loach and they should be three or more, do I add a couple of playmates for him once I feel the conditions are ok?
I did have 4 silver dollars and lost two over the 10 years I have had them but never did get two to replace them... Thoughts?
Thoughts - wow! I honestly expected your next post to be that he had died, but yes he is indeed starting to look better, a lot better. I will have to look up that fuel for reefs see if its available in the uk, that and garlic has really got him eating. His skin is healing quite nicely too. Amazing job!
As for the pH drop, this could be old tank syndrome and rather than use buffers to bring the pH back up do it via water changes to stableize it again, however with medicating the tank at the moment water changes maybe difficult. Just double check if you do use pH buffers that they will not affect the medication.
As for adding other fish, there are some big fish in that tank, given the age of some of them adding some more would be entirely your decision, I would definately leave adding any others for a good few weeks after the catfish has healed just to be on the safe side.
Brilliant job with him :D. do post another vid of him all healed 
I will do that, thanks for the interest and support, hopefully my post and other posts can help anyone who may encounter similar situations
Sunset said:
I will do that, thanks for the interest and support, hopefully my post and other posts can help anyone who may encounter similar situations
Absolutely agreed.
This is what threads on this forum are all about, to help and to learn from :)
Too right there, if your post saves another fish its all good :)
Hi there
I was away on vacation last week in Clearwater Florida, went to see Winter and Hope. If that's not a get well story I don't know what is!
Upon my return home I noticed my fish's skin had finally closed up. He hasn't gained full body weight to what he was but he has put on some weight. There is a bit of whitish on his skin where the wound was. I'm thinking it's still not fully healed rather than it being anything to be concerned with at this time Would you agree?
Thanks for all the input, it's good to know there are others that have a passion for their fish
Here's a link to his progress thus far
Oh wow he does look good. I think that whitish mark is scarring, he did have a massive hole in him.. I have an oscar that had a broken jaw and that looks similar, whitish skin around the scar.
You did a brilliant job 
I would do him some more of that fuel for reefs and garlic to get some weight back on him. Stunning fish :)
Thanks, I have constantly (every day) been using the fuel for reefs liquid with two drops of the garlic liquid and letting my shrimp pellets soak in it for a few minutes prior to feeding. Thanks for that tip, it moistens the pellets and they all seem to love it
I have always fed them once a day 6pm my time when the aquarium light is on, (shuts off at 10pm) with good portions, do you think once a day is enough or should I consider twice a day? As you can see they all are pretty hardy
That is the same feeding as I do for my lot. From memory the sharks are night feeders, but they will feed during the day and it is what yours are use to. Feeding more often does increase the chances of water quality going down (plus more faeces). You could try splitting the feeding into twice a day but not feeding any extra (maybe a couple of pellets extra) and see how they accept being fed twice a day. Considering his age though he might not gain his full figure again. The other thing you could try, if he is tame enough, is to hand feed him a prawn or something so he gets that little extra, because you dont want the other fish to get fat.

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