Id My Cory Please


Fish Crazy
Aug 11, 2008
Reaction score
I picked up a couple of corys this evening.The young guy in the shop wasn't sure what they were( as there were several different type of cory in the same tank),but said he thought the latin name was Punctulatus.I can't find anything online,but i know someone on here will help :good: Pics below(i hope)


i would say it was a punctatus cory too....... just google the name and you will find some info m8 :)

Hm. Could be: But I don't think so. The snout is too long. Too bad the dorsal fin isn't up. A C18 maybe? Just hope coryologist checks the thread. He'll probably know.
Gee. I just usually guess. lol. No way it's C. punctatus, a name give to almost ANY spotted Cory that the exporter can't put a valid name on. The problem with most of these "spotted" Corys, is that if you do not know the exact point of collection, you are simply guessing. I would say that given an opportunity to settle-in, acclimate and color-up, you may find that you are looking at C. gomezi, but these, too, are extremely variable.

I would expect that Coryman will set us all straight. lol. - Frank
Hey thanks everybody for your input.There seem to be so many spotted cories that look very similar.

i look forward to more opinions :good:
Sadly one of these wee guys died during the night.He was a bit stressed after being bagged in the shop,and went very quiet,so i wasn't greatly surprised,although i tried to leave them as quiet as possible in the hope he'd pull through.Just keeping an eye on the other one now!!!

By the way,all my water stats are good.

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