Id Confirmation Please (Rabauti?)


Fish Herder
Aug 13, 2005
Reaction score
Would any kind soul familiar with them reconfirm the ID please...


Thank you!
Look very much like Bronze Corys to me. Am sure Harlequinns will confirm this as he is the Cory specialist on here. Lovely fish.

Just from looking at pics on google it looks much more like rabauti than a bronze... rabauti have the same black stripe that goes all the way around the front, bronze dont.
Definitely not bronze, look like C.rabauti to me too.
Thanks, you all!

The concern is not about them being bronze C.Aeneus .... I'm reasonably sure they are not... but they also may be C.Zygatus who are very similar to C.Rabauti. -- Rabauti -- Zygatus

Inchworm and the Coryologist warned me about the similarity between these two before, but I'm not enough of a cory expert to be sure with mine.

(Ultimately, this does not matter... I got them and like them a lot already ... but still would love to know what they are).
Hi Mikev :)

With luck you will have some fry and be able to tell for sure. :hey:

I have both species and there is a clear break in the line on the C. zygatus. The C. rabouti is solid all the way to the end.

Here's Ian Fuller's link that I found so helpful.
Indeed, very helpful, thank you very much.

Yes, need to wait for them to spawn, but if Fuller is correct about the sizes, they may be Zygatus.... the females are larger than 2".

Very cute regardless... they stayed on the ground only the first day, now they dirigibles... :lol:

Did you get any Rabauti fry?
Hi mikev :)

No, I never did see any fry in their tank. For some reason, while I still have these fish, they never did get to looking 100% right. I'm disappointed but now that fall is here, who knows who might spawn?
It would be a while before I can hope for fry; the animals are still in a bare quarantine 5.5g, and I don't think they will breed there. They, however, look good (rabauti's I've seen before were always wrong...either very small, or unhealthy, or too few)... They will end up in a 30g with rainbows in a month, then we'll see.

I'm toying with the idea of asking the store to get me 2-3 more...he said he can. If you are interested too, drop me a PM (the store is in Queens, should be within reach for you, I paid $5 per fish).
Hey Mike,

Its been a while. I wouldnt worry with the identity. You have a fish I have been after for a long time, but I have never been able to get for one reason or another. Get as many as you can, feed them the right foods and they should spawn for you.

Good luck


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