

Fish Fanatic
Mar 25, 2022
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when feeding my fish, I noticed one of my neons had only like 1 or 2 white spots and so did another one. Could this be ick, I already put ick cure in to be safe but im not sure if it is.


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It is Ich and the best cure is to raise the temperature of your tank to 86 degrees for two weeks, or for a week after the last spot disappears. A lot of the cures don't work.
It looks like white spot. Since you have started treatment, continue with it until the disease is gone.

Remove carbon from filters so it doesn't remove the medication.

Increase aeration/ surface turbulence to maximise the oxygen level in the water.

The following link has information about white spot if you are interested. Post 1 & 16 are worth a read.
It looks like white spot. Since you have started treatment, continue with it until the disease is gone.

Remove carbon from filters so it doesn't remove the medication.

Increase aeration/ surface turbulence to maximise the oxygen level in the water.

The following link has information about white spot if you are interested. Post 1 & 16 are worth a read.
Unfortunately it is not looking too good, one is gone and now it is really starting to spread:-(
It looks like white spot. Since you have started treatment, continue with it until the disease is gone.

Remove carbon from filters so it doesn't remove the medication.

Increase aeration/ surface turbulence to maximise the oxygen level in the water.

The following link has information about white spot if you are interested. Post 1 & 16 are worth a read.
What are the chances they survive? Because I’m not thinking it’s very high but the black skirts still don’t have it and In my old tank the black skirts were the only fish that survived ick
The reason it has spread is because one or more of the parasites have fallen off the fish, divided and now hatched and spread. The spots would have fallen off the fish a few days ago, probably before you even noticed it on the fish. It's not uncommon for this to happen.

Keep treating the tank.
Keep the aeration high to maximise the oxygen level in the water.
Fingers crossed the rest pull through.
The neons are the most affected, they are starting to swim weird and just get stuck on the side of the filter. All fish seem to be affected except for the black skirts. I don’t think this is going to end well for the neons
Put a sponge over the filter intake and maybe reduce the flow.

Make sure you don't overdose the tank, because that will kill the fish quickly.

To work out the volume of water in the tank:
measure length x width x height in cm.
divide by 1000.
= volume in litres.

When you measure the height, measure from the top of the substrate to the top of the water level.

If you have big rocks or driftwood in the tank, remove these before measuring the height of the water level so you get a more accurate water volume.

You can use a permanent marker to draw a line on the tank at the water level and put down how many litres are in the tank at that level.

There is a calculator/ converter in the "FishForum.net Calculator" under "Useful Links" at the bottom of this page that will let you convert litres to gallons if you need it.
The reason it has spread is because one or more of the parasites have fallen off the fish, divided and now hatched and spread. The spots would have fallen off the fish a few days ago, probably before you even noticed it on the fish. It's not uncommon for this to happen.

Keep treating the tank.
Keep the aeration high to maximise the oxygen level in the water.
Fingers crossed the rest pull through.
Are black skirts like immune to ick or something! Every fish in the tank is affected and 3 have died but the black skirts are still completely unaffected. I don’t understand how they are the only fish that are not affected
The black skirts are tough and not stressed out. This makes it harder for parasites to affect them, but they can still be affected.
just lost another neon😭i only have 3 left and it looks like they have fin rot or something as well, can that be caused from ick
just lost another neon😭i only have 3 left and it looks like they have fin rot or something as well, can that be caused
white spot doesn't normally cause fin rot.

Did you work out how much water is in your tank?
If not, check it and make sure you didn't overdose the fish.

See post #10 to work out the volume of water.

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