
white spot doesn't normally cause fin rot.

Did you work out how much water is in your tank?
If not, check it and make sure you didn't overdose the fish.

See post #10 to work out the volume of water.
Yea I did, without the ornaments it was 40, just gave second dose today, but lost another neon, black skirts still completely unaffected and the dwarf gourami seems like he hasn’t gotten any worse. The meds have turned my heater blue though😂
The black skirts are tough and not stressed out. This makes it harder for parasites to affect them, but they can still be affected.
Lost all of the neons 😭 one of the black skirts has a couple spots now and the last gourami is starting to swim weird, it’s not looking good at all
Too late for this to really help the current situation but, even if you don't have a quarantine tank, the affected fish should have been isolated as soon as you first saw spots. Isolation can be as simple as floating a small container in the tank with a small air stone. The reason I suggest floating a container in the tank is that it will keep the water temperature in the quarantine constant. Unless things have changed since I last had a tank, long time ago, you should not have any substrat in the quarantine.

I am VERY sorry for your loss! :(

I don't know if this is still considered true but it was 25 years ago to be consider a good preventive measure. While not a total prevention it was considered that keeping a tank above 79 degrees F would make it harder for Ich to establish. Like I said, I don't know if this is still considered true but I still keep my current tank at ~81 degrees.
I don't know if this is still considered true but it was 25 years ago to be consider a good preventive measure. While not a total prevention it was considered that keeping a tank above 79 degrees F would make it harder for Ich to establish. Like I said, I don't know if this is still considered true but I still keep my current tank at ~81 degrees.
Isolating the fish with white spot wouldn't have stopped it spreading. The white spot cysts can be on the fish's gills and not be seen. After they drop off the fish, they multiply in the substrate and then one day the fish are covered in them. Then it's treat and hope for the best.

For other diseases, isolating the sick fish can help but generally by the time you see a disease on the fish, most of them have it and you need to treat the tank anyway.

As for temperatures, white spot can live in any water that has a temperature between 1-29C. It normally dies at 30C. In water with a temp around 24-29C, it simply grows and reproduces faster. In cooler water it grows slower.
This is awful, sorry for you and your fish..is there no sure fire way of preventing Ich?
Oh ok, just read about it in the main topic bit.
Quarantine of new fish is essential it seems.
Oh ok, just read about it in the main topic bit.
Quarantine of new fish is essential it seems.
Please just make sure that your Quarantine tank is an exact replica of your main system but on a smaller scale. If it isn't, then when you take your fish from Quarantine and place it in your main tank it is no different than putting them in the tank straight from the fish shop.
Personally, I have never Quarantined fish, I just make sure the fish I purchase are healthy to start with.
This is awful, sorry for you and your fish..is there no sure fire way of preventing Ich?
Quarantine all new fish, plants, shrimp and snails for a month before adding them to a display tank.

It might not stop the new fish getting white spot, but it stops diseases getting into the main display tank.
Too late for this to really help the current situation but, even if you don't have a quarantine tank, the affected fish should have been isolated as soon as you first saw spots. Isolation can be as simple as floating a small container in the tank with a small air stone. The reason I suggest floating a container in the tank is that it will keep the water temperature in the quarantine constant. Unless things have changed since I last had a tank, long time ago, you should not have any substrat in the quarantine.

I am VERY sorry for your loss! :(

I don't know if this is still considered true but it was 25 years ago to be consider a good preventive measure. While not a total prevention it was considered that keeping a tank above 79 degrees F would make it harder for Ich to establish. Like I said, I don't know if this is still considered true but I still keep my current tank at ~81 degrees.
I keep my tank at 81 as well, when I first noticed it, I did not have any container or any way to quarantine them so I used ick medication which hasn’t really helped from what I’ve noticed
Quarantine all new fish, plants, shrimp and snails for a month before adding them to a display tank.

It might not stop the new fish getting white spot, but it stops diseases getting into the main display tank.
That’s the thing, I haven’t gotten a new fish for around a month of this happening and the fish that got it first was one of the neons that I had for a couple months, I have no idea why they would be stressed as they typically hung around eachother near the bottom of the tank when most of the other fish hung around the top
What size tank? How many BS tetras? Any other fish in the tank?
Very possible the BS tetras are causing stress, which lead to the ich outbreak

They are known to be nippy and aggressive, especially when kept in inadequate numbers
Very possible the BS tetras are causing stress, which lead to the ich outbreak

They are known to be nippy and aggressive, especially when kept in inadequate numbers
I found out that I didn’t have enough just last week, and then this happened and I didnt really have time to get more before I noticed ick

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