
Fish Fanatic
Jun 10, 2004
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what does ich look like on a betta?
i just bought a betta two days ago and maybe i never noticed before but when i was doing my 50% water change today to help with my high nitrite, i noticed he sorta had "puffy" white spots.. but they're not even all that white and you gotta look close to see it... what would this be? can anyone send me a pic or post a url or something? he is in a 10 gallon tank with my silver molly, and two platties and 6 snails.....???????????????????????????????????
nope, doesnt look like ich..
its sorta puffy and cloudy.. not like "salt"
i took a few pics but nothing shows up good enough in this pic.
hmmm it wont let me add a pic to this post???
nope just puffy and white
couple blotches on his body and around his gills.. by reading some of the websites it sounds like fungus and that it can be treated? but how.. errr

my personal picture on my profile i put the pic of the betta on it but you can't see anything wrong in that pic...

i have my betta with my other fish... what is going to happen. i work today at 430-9 and then i wont be home til about 11... ugh..
melafix, bettamax (not to be confused with bettafix-which is a bottle of poo), or maroxy
will this harm my other fish?
do i put the med in the tank with my other fish in there???
i hope my LPS has something to help so i can get it in right after i get home tonight
the mdeicine will not harm other fishbut if you have invertebrates, take them out! they will die!
actually you should probably just use a quarantine tank. it would be a lot easier. and if you do have invertebrates, someitmes it can be a real pain to get all of the medicine out of the main tank so you can put the inverts back in. just quarantine the little guy.

melafix wont hurt invertebrates.
since i dont have my other tank up and running, should i just put the betta in some sort of clean jar? with old tank water?
what do you mean by invertebrates?
i am on my way to work for the rest of the evening now so i can't do this til later tonight. im making a pitstop at the LFS to see if they have treatment. when i come home tonight i'll put the betta ina jar and work from there? sound good? if i do that, how long does he have to stay in the jar with treatment???
thakns for your help
inverts dont have backbones (snails, shrimp, aquatic animals that arent fish...) from your signature, i see you have snails. you will have to take them out if you medicate the whole tnak. i would not go with a jar as they are too small. it has to be 1gallon or more.
on my way to work i bought metafix .. or melafix i can't remember if its a L or T.. went to work, came home and my parents had put my betta in my 3 gallon tank. he looks awful - he's probably a couple hours short of death. it seriously looks like the white cloudy puffy stuff has taken over, and it looks like he's going to lose his head.. thats how bad it looks. I put some of the med in the 3 gallon, and then i thought that since my betta had a fungus, the fungi is probably in my 10 gallon so i put the reccommended dose in that tank and all of a sudden my tank started bubbling and foaming at the top. :eek: my sunset platy automactically started swimming funny and looked like he was in pain so i did a 50% water change and got rid of most of the bubbles on the top of the water. i didnt want nothing to happen. after i added the new water, my platy was back to normal. i can't even look at my betta, it looks too gross i feel sick when i look at it.. :sick: so my boyfriend just went up and checked and said that he's still just "floating" there but his gills are still moving, barely. :no: i'll add more stuff tomorrow (it says add for 7 days) but i bet im going to lose him tonight or tomorrow. it is 48 hours today that i've had him, so i'm going to bring him back to the petstore where i can hopefully get another one since it was under warrenty, if not im going to have to return the med too caues that is expensive... :dunno: cross your fingers that my betta gets some life into him before monday comes or that this stuff stops growing on him... its horrible!!!!!!!!! :sad:

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