I Was Wrong!


Fish Fanatic
Mar 1, 2010
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this is related to another post where i asked about my bettas being for sale and everyone argued against me.
well yes i admit it i was wrong sort of because there must have been a bacterial infection in the water or something because out of around 100 i now only have about 5 or so. i feel so sad for the little fish. please could no one post things like i told you so or nasty comments but advise me on how i can keep the surviving ones alive. i have moved them into a clean tank and have ordered a sponge filter and it is on the way.
i feel really guilty and feel it is my fault even though i know it wasn't, or it could have been i am not sure on the reason they died.
anyway i would like to say i am sorry to those poor fish, and any help on keeping the others alive would be grateful.
please no mean comments.
this is related to another post where i asked about my bettas being for sale and everyone argued against me.
well yes i admit it i was wrong sort of because there must have been a bacterial infection in the water or something because out of around 100 i now only have about 5 or so. i feel so sad for the little fish. please could no one post things like i told you so or nasty comments but advise me on how i can keep the surviving ones alive. i have moved them into a clean tank and have ordered a sponge filter and it is on the way.
i feel really guilty and feel it is my fault even though i know it wasn't, or it could have been i am not sure on the reason they died.
anyway i would like to say i am sorry to those poor fish, and any help on keeping the others alive would be grateful.
please no mean comments.
so they dont have a filter now ?tbh these will probably die do your research next time
water tests!!!!!!
I feel so sorry for you. I didnt follow your last post with your sick bettas, but i just feel so sorry for you and all those bettas. Good luck
Until the filter comes, do a daily water change for the fry (about 50%) this will keep your water stats good. afterall the fry will produce very little waste that will hardly effect your stats..

What food do you have for them at moment? these little guys are easy savable so dont panic just yet.
this is related to another post where i asked about my bettas being for sale and everyone argued against me.
well yes i admit it i was wrong sort of because there must have been a bacterial infection in the water or something because out of around 100 i now only have about 5 or so. i feel so sad for the little fish. please could no one post things like i told you so or nasty comments but advise me on how i can keep the surviving ones alive. i have moved them into a clean tank and have ordered a sponge filter and it is on the way.
i feel really guilty and feel it is my fault even though i know it wasn't, or it could have been i am not sure on the reason they died.
anyway i would like to say i am sorry to those poor fish, and any help on keeping the others alive would be grateful.
please no mean comments.
Daily 100% water changes will keepthem alive till the filter arrives and tank is cycled (could take a month),provided they are not already dying of some infction or disease. Fill bucket with clean warm tapwater plus dechlorinator. Net fish and place in bucket. Empty out tank completely and fill with clean water at right temp. Pour fish and water in bucket back into tank.
I would cup them out, not net them. Not sure how fry can do out of water for even a second.

Englishbettas, I read your other post about the bettas. Is this your first time breeding? And honestly, I didn't know why people argued with your either, I guess it kinda came off the wrong foot :\ you just wanted to know who was interested in buyin a betta, right? Guess they just assumed you they thought you didn't have the room you claimed,which is a bad assumption. But idk, that's in the past now!

And tom, I gotta say that now matter how much you research, even for a year, the experience of actually doing it will always be different. Especially if it's the first few tries. And I think the death rate in bettas is insane with fry? Maybe with others too, again, I'm not a breeder. I see often "started off with around 110 fries, ended with about 20."

All I wanted to say :)
I would cup them out, not net them.

Yes, CUP the fish out. The only time a net should be used is if you're bringing home a fish from a LFS and it has water from the LFS's tanks.

One thing you can do to greatly reduce stress for the fish is to make sure you have a thermometer on the outside of the tank AND get a new plastic jug of sorts and attach ANOTHER thermometer onto that so that you can make sure the water you're replacing is the same temp as the water the fry are currently in.

Overall, I'm sorry about your fish. The fact is, even if you do everything right, fish die. They're small and very fragile. Even though only a few survived, now you have a reasonable amount to raise and should (hopefully) have good luck with those ones. Maybe you can even possibly keep them all as pets :)
this is related to another post where i asked about my bettas being for sale and everyone argued against me.
well yes i admit it i was wrong sort of because there must have been a bacterial infection in the water or something because out of around 100 i now only have about 5 or so. i feel so sad for the little fish. please could no one post things like i told you so or nasty comments but advise me on how i can keep the surviving ones alive. i have moved them into a clean tank and have ordered a sponge filter and it is on the way.
i feel really guilty and feel it is my fault even though i know it wasn't, or it could have been i am not sure on the reason they died.
anyway i would like to say i am sorry to those poor fish, and any help on keeping the others alive would be grateful.
please no mean comments.
so they dont have a filter now ?tbh these will probably die do your research next time
water tests!!!!!!
thats a bit harsh dont you think and i am doing water changes and the filter will be coming soon.
and for you information i did research a hell of a lot!!!!
thanks for all the help and i will be doing water changes. i did cup them to move them.
thanks, englishbettas :look: :nod:
I think I remember in one of your previous posts about feeding them, that you were feeding them just liquifry, what are you feeding them now?

Liquifry is notorious for fouling the water, its why we were all advising you to organise some microworms, or hatch some BBS. When you feed fry liquifry, all the excess goes to the bottom of the tank & sits there rotting away producing ammonia & nitrite which will kill the fry.

Ideally the fry should be in a tank with a sponge filter, if the bottom is bare, wipe every day, before doing at least a 50% water change
Don't beat yourself up too bad over this, sometimes the best breeders lose spawns. The trick is to back track, find out where it went from good to bad, and try something different at that point. You don't want to know how many spawns of angels I went through years ago until I hit on a method that works, sometimes all the research in the world doesn't take into consideration your individual situation & setup. Often what you learn will transfer over to other species you breed, sometimes you learn a new trick or two with a new species to add to your library of breeding knowledge.

karigupi hit on one of the most important things; cleanliness. I use a potato chip bag clip to hold a folded up paper towel for wiping the bottom of bare fry tanks. Remove uneaten food at least once daily, more often if possible. Keep all fry tank equipment separate from the rest of your gear, you want to eliminate bacteria transfer. Start with a tank that has been cleaned with a bleach solution & rinsed well, the same applies to anything that is used for maintenance on that tank. Watch for transfer occurring when working with other tanks, this is one that is often overlooked.

Be careful of water flow when doing water changes, excess turbulence will take out an entire spawn almost instantly. A mature filter is a must, as is the proper food. Sometimes no matter what is done there is some sort of transfer, this is where you have to work out additives by trial and error. What I would do at this point if this were happening in my setup is add a half dose of copper sulfate pentahydrate to the tank, with daily 75% water changes & remed, but this is your call. Read up on this medication before you use it, old school, quite strong, but a useful product to have on hand when breeding is concerned.
thank you every one and at the moment i am feeding them tiny crushed flake food and this gel daphnia food stuff. i am going to order a micro worm culture as well. the sponge filter is on it way and i will be maintaining cleanliness. i will be doing water changes also. i have about 5-6 fry left. i will be keeping an eye on temperature and how clean the tank is every day. thanks for the help and advice as it could be this that saves my fish!!! i think it was my fault the others died as i didnt keep their tank as clean as i should have :blush: but thanks too all the people who have given me advice they will hopefully live!
thanks, englishbettas ;)
Good luck with saving them :good: Like I said before, breeding any fish for the first time is a HUGE learning curve, next time you will be much more prepared & more successful.

Just remember, the most important things are clean water & good foods. I have a thriving culture of microworms here, if you get everything ready you need for them, I will send you some, then you are ready for your next spawn.

Another thing you can do to keep their water clean, is get a turkey baster or something similar & remove any uneaten foods between feeding.
Another thing you can do to keep their water clean, is get a turkey baster or something similar & remove any uneaten foods between feeding.

the turkey baster, as you will learn is one of the most valuable tools in a fish keepers tool box.
and don't feel so bad, i worked with mystery snails and guppies about a year ago and had not a clue what i was doing, but i learned along the way and found a valuable resource in the knowledge of the people both on the forums and in the chat. always willing to share their knowledge and if they don't know help find you links so you can educate yourself.
please do not let a few negative comments discourage you, because i can see you growing into a great betta breeder :good:
I don't mean to be horrible, but this might be a godsend! It is easier to look after 5 fish then it is 100!

You've got these ones to figure out what works, before you try taking on a huge number next time. Sort of like trying out the baby pool first instead of jumping in the deep end and finding you cant swim. It's easier to learn to swim in the baby pool :)

And of course, less fry means less males, which means less individual tanks.

To be honest, it was unlikely you would have made any money off those fish, as they are veiltails. I know you love your blue boy and his fins, but honestly they just aren't rare enough to make money. Have a look online at breeders - I doubt you will find many, if any, that breed veiltails. You could breed with rarer bettas next time, and have a better chance at covering your costs and maybe making a few pounds.

And whilst on the subject of selling them, it is also easier to sell 5 bettas than 100 :)

So good luck, hope you havent taken this the wrong way, what I'm saying is that yes it is sad, but probably for the best.

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