I Was Wrong!

Another thing you can do to keep their water clean, is get a turkey baster or something similar & remove any uneaten foods between feeding.

the turkey baster, as you will learn is one of the most valuable tools in a fish keepers tool box.
and don't feel so bad, i worked with mystery snails and guppies about a year ago and had not a clue what i was doing, but i learned along the way and found a valuable resource in the knowledge of the people both on the forums and in the chat. always willing to share their knowledge and if they don't know help find you links so you can educate yourself.
please do not let a few negative comments discourage you, because i can see you growing into a great betta breeder :good:

the turkey baster is a godsend for fishkeepers, do you know I dont think i've ever used one to baste a turkey? lol
I don't mean to be horrible, but this might be a godsend! It is easier to look after 5 fish then it is 100!

You've got these ones to figure out what works, before you try taking on a huge number next time. Sort of like trying out the baby pool first instead of jumping in the deep end and finding you cant swim. It's easier to learn to swim in the baby pool :)

And of course, less fry means less males, which means less individual tanks.

To be honest, it was unlikely you would have made any money off those fish, as they are veiltails. I know you love your blue boy and his fins, but honestly they just aren't rare enough to make money. Have a look online at breeders - I doubt you will find many, if any, that breed veiltails. You could breed with rarer bettas next time, and have a better chance at covering your costs and maybe making a few pounds.

And whilst on the subject of selling them, it is also easier to sell 5 bettas than 100 :)

So good luck, hope you havent taken this the wrong way, what I'm saying is that yes it is sad, but probably for the best.
i definitely did not take that the wrong way, that is amazing advice. in fact you have made me feel a lot better about the loss of so many fry. as for the part on not selling them, i didnt intend to make a huge profit from the first lot and me and my mum both agree that veiltails are all beautiful. i will be getting a fancier rarer one once i have mastered(or nearly) the hang of breeding and can get it right. as for getting rid of them there is a fish shop willing to take them in return for foods and stuff which i need. i am happy doing it as a hobby and will make it bigger once i am better. your advice wa the best i have been given so far on this forum, thanks!! :good:
The first time I was successful with angels I had half a dozen fish. Next time was a few hundred. It does help to reverse engineer it in many ways, start with where the fish will end up when you are successful, and back track. You will be successful at breeding, it isn't rocket science, the distribution of what you have bred is often the harder half.

Writing down what you have done every day helps with breeding, there may be something that happened with that spawn weeks ago, or a previous spawn months ago, that will point you in the right direction. With breeding you often have multiple tanks, trying to commit everything to memory is often impossible. Either that or I have a really bad memory! :lol:

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