I want know what your thoughts are!

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I agree with others. The Angel fish is not suitable as it is aggressive and will grow large.

The Electric Yellow Cichlid is also not suitable. It's an African Cichlid and can be quite aggressive as compare to the rest of your fish. African fish are usually more aggressive than South American fish.
It may attack your other South American fish at any time.
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Whipper Snapper! LOL
A side trip down memory lane... In my youth there were very few grocery store chains. But there was a "Mom and Pop" or "Corner" store in every other neighborhood. Bread, Milk, Eggs, meats... I used to frequent Mary Along's store for candy, comic books, and baseball cards. The same held true for pet and fish stores although there was only one or two in nearly every town. As large chain stores came around, many of the local stores just couldn't compete. They lacked the buying power and huge inventories of huge corporate chain stores and lost customers looking to save money and have greater product selections. Now some still survive, but they're few and far between. Business can be tough on the little guys.
Having 'said' that, not to throw stones at the big pet/fish stores, but some of the best fish you'll ever buy come from a LFS rather than a chain. They often deal with local breeders for stock instead of wholesalers and when they do order from wholesalers, often have better quarantine practices than the chains. :)
Whipper Snapper! LOL
A side trip down memory lane... In my youth there were very few grocery store chains. But there was a "Mom and Pop" or "Corner" store in every other neighborhood. Bread, Milk, Eggs, meats... I used to frequent Mary Along's store for candy, comic books, and baseball cards. The same held true for pet and fish stores although there was only one or two in nearly every town. As large chain stores came around, many of the local stores just couldn't compete. They lacked the buying power and huge inventories of huge corporate chain stores and lost customers looking to save money and have greater product selections. Now some still survive, but they're few and far between. Business can be tough on the little guys.
Having 'said' that, not to throw stones at the big pet/fish stores, but some of the best fish you'll ever buy come from a LFS rather than a chain. They often deal with local breeders for stock instead of wholesalers and when they do order from wholesalers, often have better quarantine practices than the chains. :)
They also care about the fish and not just profit
Hey everyone! I have a 90 litre tank, and I was just wanting some opinions from you. I am leaving my big fish in the tank, as I have had most of my fish in that tank for over a year now without any problems! Just wanted your thoughts on it! Here is the link to my youtube video that i posted yesterday of an update on my 90 litre aquarium. Check it out, and leave your thoughts bellow!:)
Youtube link:
my 90 litre fish tank!!!
You have about 4 different fish in there that require different circumstances. The fish to you may look fine and look healthy but housing the fish you have together causes them stress which will lead to disease and or pre mature death and poor quality of life.
Angel fish are a shoaling fish and belong in groups which requires tanks of 75 gallons and up. This angel fish wont live anywhere near its 10 year expected lifespan. Danios are a shoaling fish as well and need cooler water than angels and gouramis. They do best in groups, nippy fish are unhappy fish that dont feel safe. A pearl gourami is also too big for this tank. Gourami and angels and the one african cichlid you have are all territorial and the tank they are in isnt big enough for all of them to establish their own suitable territories. Having said that african cichlids need hard water the other fish need soft water. This may not seem like a big deal but evolution suggests otherwise. Fish bodies have adapted over thousands of years to be able to function in their natural habitat, providing a habitat that most closely resemble what their bodies have evolved to thrive in will result in healthier lessed stressed fish and longer lives. Find out what your water parameters are then keep fish that will thrive in that water anything else and one isnt keeping fish one is merely slowly killing them. One can get a dog and chain it to a tree its whole life and give it food and water and that tough ole dog might live to be an old dog that doesnt mean that dog had a happy life it just slowly died while tied to a tree. The fish in your tank are tied to trees and slowly dieing:( there are plenty of people here that can help you do better for your fish but first one has to be willing to listen then learn and make changes. Heck my first tank when i was 10 years old was a mess. I thought my fish were happy and doing well and as i learned more about the hobby i realized though good intentioned as a child i wasnt providing a good home for my fishy friends i was just slowly killing them. Good luck i hope you take the advice on here to heart even if it seems harsh. Good luck! Keep asking lots of questions.
You have about 4 different fish in there that require different circumstances. The fish to you may look fine and look healthy but housing the fish you have together causes them stress which will lead to disease and or pre mature death and poor quality of life.
Angel fish are a shoaling fish and belong in groups which requires tanks of 75 gallons and up. This angel fish wont live anywhere near its 10 year expected lifespan. Danios are a shoaling fish as well and need cooler water than angels and gouramis. They do best in groups, nippy fish are unhappy fish that dont feel safe. A pearl gourami is also too big for this tank. Gourami and angels and the one african cichlid you have are all territorial and the tank they are in isnt big enough for all of them to establish their own suitable territories. Having said that african cichlids need hard water the other fish need soft water. This may not seem like a big deal but evolution suggests otherwise. Fish bodies have adapted over thousands of years to be able to function in their natural habitat, providing a habitat that most closely resemble what their bodies have evolved to thrive in will result in healthier lessed stressed fish and longer lives. Find out what your water parameters are then keep fish that will thrive in that water anything else and one isnt keeping fish one is merely slowly killing them. One can get a dog and chain it to a tree its whole life and give it food and water and that tough ole dog might live to be an old dog that doesnt mean that dog had a happy life it just slowly died while tied to a tree. The fish in your tank are tied to trees and slowly dieing:( there are plenty of people here that can help you do better for your fish but first one has to be willing to listen then learn and make changes. Heck my first tank when i was 10 years old was a mess. I thought my fish were happy and doing well and as i learned more about the hobby i realized though good intentioned as a child i wasnt providing a good home for my fishy friends i was just slowly killing them. Good luck i hope you take the advice on here to heart even if it seems harsh. Good luck! Keep asking lots of questions.
Well said :)

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