i want another betta but my mum says NO!

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Fish Gatherer
Jan 31, 2005
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hi i have 4 tanks at the moment 1 is a 20gal with all sorts of fish in and the others are 4 gals with bettas in.
well she just bought me a tall chestofdrawers with a nice flat shiny surface just asking for another betta tank, i have just finished building this piece of furniture for my bedroom but my mum is in work, i always ask my dad if i can have a tank but he always says the same thing "ask your mother" so thas what i gotta do.

the furniture took me 2 hours to build and the other 1 took me 3 hours but its bigger and my lizards tank is on there.

what can i say to my mum to let me have another tank she knows i take care of them and she knows im mad about fish.

have any of you been in the same situation and what would you say. -_-
:p i just go out and buy the tanks.then tell my mam that its my money and ill do what i like with it.but they support ym hobbie to an extent.As long as it stays in my room
she says that my room will be overcrouded with fishtanks but it wont bother me she dont have to come in my room lol

more the merrier thats what i say. :D

if i do get another tank for a betta i was thinking one of those hexagon tanks are they ok.
I know how hard it is to make sure that parents and pets all get along ;) With three dogs, three guinea pigs and umpteen fish making their way through our house before I graduated, I found that the best way to deal with mothers is to exercise a great deal of empathy, tact and respect.

First, try to see it from her point of view. She comes into your room and is confronted with what I am sure must seem to her to be a zillion fish! While we enjoy the look of all those tanks, to some people it can be a little overwhelming. It's great that you built a piece of furniture to house some of them; that must make it clear to any parent that you're willing to invest the time required to look after them.

You mentioned too that your mother knows how important these fish are to you; that's very key :lol: My own mother knew I loved my fish, and not only did she reserve judgment she even tried to be supportive of my hobby. Her real concerns cropped up whenever it ran to a great deal of money, since she wanted me to learn to be responsible with funds, etc. If this isn't a problem with your mum, then over half the battle is already won ;) You might mention to her that you saw a sale on tanks at WalMart, or heard of a second hand one going really cheap. This will both prepare her for the fact that you WANT another tank, and, like the furniture you've built, will also let her know that you're thinking ahead about it, and not just being impulsive.

Finally, it's really not best to go behind her back and get a tank. Not only is that is deceitful, it will possibly make her less kindly disposed toward you owning fish at all. If you take the time to talk it over with her and show her that you really value her support of your hobby (even if she doesn't understand it!) she's likely to be a whole lot more supportive of you keeping it up.

Best of luck! :thumbs:
LOL, its annoying isn't it? I have to have a parent with me when 'm getting fish because I'm not old enough, luckily all he's concerned about is 'where will you put it?'. Maybe get eough money together for tank and fish, then go to the lfs with her. Hint a bit, wait until she says 'oh, thats a nice fish' to whatever degree, agree violently and get it and a tank.
i tell u my secret..... u ready........ say mum if u love me yourll let me have one more..... if that dont work brake down crying lol.
worked with me and now i have 28 lmao and i love my mum lol :wub:
It sounds like you are very responsible (and handy...I'm jealous!!) If you have your own money, you should be able to spend it how you would like to. I would try and talk to your mom and tell her that you are a responsible pet owner and you are the one paying for the fish, the food, the accessories, etc. and that you are the one taking care of it. If she is at all reasonable she should be able to see how mature you are. Let us know how it all works out!
Sometimes you just have to be happy with what you have. Respect your mother's wishes and when you have a place of your own you can get as many as your heart desires.
thnx for the posts she will be home in 2 hours :)

wish me luck :kana:
As said, if you have the money, the time and the space, then sit down with your mom and talk to her. Tell her what you'd like to get, where it would go, how you'll pay for it, how you'll take care of it, etc. Maybe she thinks another tank would make the room cluttered, maybe she's worried you'll get bored of fish and she'll be stuck with it, or that you won't be able to afford food for one more fish. Make her see you are truly committed to the hobby and how it would all work.

Then, if she is still not giving in, offer her a little deal. I used to do this when I wanted something new like even just a new tape (you'd ask for CDs now...) or a new book or something. Even if I had the money, my folks didn't always let me just run out and spend it willy-nilly. They tried to teach me to be responsible. So in return for allowing me to spend my money on the item, I'd let them know how much I had saved in addition to what I needed for the item (so they'd know I wasn't spending all I had), how much the item would cost, and then I'd offer to do something for them around the house. For example, my dad and I would switch off weekends for mowing the lawn (we lived on a couple of acres when I was kid, mowing took a day and a half). So in return for being able to buy something I wanted that they didn't feel I really NEEDED, I'd offer to mow on a couple of my dad's weekends and do some other major housework. Essentially work it off, earn the item (even though I already had money to pay for it). This showed my parents just how much I really wanted the item, that is was more than just a one -time thing, a whim. Usually worked for me.
I haven't lived with my mother for 4 years now, and still, every time I just *HAVE* to tell her about one of my new fish, she says "You need to stop buying fish." But then we'll be out somewhere together talking to people and she'll start telling them about my fish. haha It's pretty funny. :lol:
A long, long time ago, my Second Son wanted a pet rat. We already had tons of pets, and we didn't want to add a rat to the collecdtion. He wrote up a two page paper about how he would take care of it, what the care requirements were, information about rats, etc. We were impressed that he wanted it badly enough to go to so much trouble that we relented and let him have the pet rat. It was the first of several good pet rats throughout the years.
How cute is that? :D ...See Mom I wrote an essay... I'm a good rat parent AND I do my homework! Love it!
just say it is essintial to your growing as an adult to have more responsability. an if that doesnt work you could always be like on big daddy

"if i dont get another fish there is a good chance i may develope a studder....pa pa pa please????"

lol good like. i have 2 jackdempsies. 1oscar 4bettas 2ballpythons a bearded dragon an 7 tigerbarbs :D my dad loves my set ups. an ive cought him talking to my oscar an feeding him krill :D :p

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