I want another animal...

I've always whanted a drwarf, white blue eyed bunnie. :wub:But my mom had me settle for gerbils wich turned out to be great! :D I now have 3 wich I bought from a local breeder with fanceier coats and cheaper two. :eek: I find gerbils two be better then hamsters, their mor curiose, less likley to bite, and their not realy nocturnal. They also don't need a wheel. But realy i don't know about store bought gerbils wich tend to be more skittish. -_-
BettaBoyz said:
might i suggest a Ferret? they're small, cute, and funny little things that anyone can like, even if they smell.
yep, ferrets are the best... kinda brainless little guys, but you can't have everything :lol: :lol:
If you want a guineapig (aka cavy) go here to learn about them www.CavySpirit.com Dispite what people say about them being easy and cheap it isn't true. I have three and the cost me about $10 a week to feed. Besides this there's the cage, vet bills, and the price of them($17-$35 each) What I wish someone would have told me was how much the pee and poop. Once every 5-10 seconds.

I use to have a bunny. They are the greatest pets. My mom developed an allergy to them. She ended up in the hospital twice. I use to take him everywhere. He had this little bunny harness to take him outside with. He loved it. He was litter trained also. He didn't have run of the house 24/7 though. Colleges will not let you have them in the dorms. I friend of mine tried and they made her get rid if it.
try hamsters, they r very good pets, we {my sister and me} had 32 at one time, they just kept breeding. they r very fun. and the live to be about 3 or 4. our did any way. you can let them run around a room if you watch them, and close off all holes. they r fun and since they wont be in the same room with u when u sleep they wont wake u. ours never did, and they never bit unless we really scared them, and that was once. my sister would put a small cow boy hat on spencer{her hamster} and he was ok with it. the only time he ever bit her was when he was dying and she picked him up. she didnt relize he was dying. oh and if you get one DO NOT PUT THEM IN A WIRE CAGE!!!!! ours would chew on the bars untill the side of there little faces would bleed. we tryed to stop them but nothing worked, well good luck :thumbs:
I don't think anyone's mentioned this critter yet, but chinchillas make adorable little pets. If you handle them they can be very friendly, and they can be let out of their cage to hop around. Also, they're deliciously soft to pet, and they take the darndest cute dustbaths.

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