I Thought I'd Drop By


Ohai dere c:
Apr 4, 2011
Reaction score
Old member, still in the hobby although my time is dwindling as exams grow closer.
Hope you're all well
Good luck with exams! 
What tank/s are you running now?
tcamos said:
Good luck with exams! 
What tank/s are you running now?
1 Lightly stocked 95 litre tank full of vallis, TT-EX700, Slim HOB, IPF for flow. 100w heater.
Sounds pretty. I like vallis. It's got a nice grace to it.
tcamos said:
Sounds pretty. I like vallis. It's got a nice grace to it.
it's got the full-blown overgrown look to it, riverbed style, wood left to embed slowly into the gravel on it's own, plants left to go wild. only thing i really need to do on a weekly basis is clean out the IPF pre-filter, change a little water and take the growth off of the vallis. Been running like that for months on end, only deaths have been of age or, in one case, a birth deformity which eventually killed it
gravel is a mix of sand, coarseish and almost-sand
You know we're going to ask for a picture right? ;)
tcamos said:
You know we're going to ask for a picture right?
DSLR is in pieces, it's gonna have to be a bridge camera i'm afraid
unless the memory card is in the vacuum cleaner..
Well, this isn't a photography forum so you'll be forgiven if the saturation if off a bit.
No, seriously, there are few things I find more inspiring to my own designs and plans that pictures of other people's tanks so I try to get them, hunt them down, google them or whatever when I get a chance. 
I found it.. in the hoover.. what a suprise!
bear with me
That's hilarious. 
tcamos said:
That's hilarious. 
it's not the first time, it's just small enough to be sucked up and it barely makes a noise


Quality isn't great, the camera is going home
also looks a little cloudy as the filter just ejected a load of air through pipes approaching the 4 week clean
Thanks for posting those. The tank has a look I really like. It's also the kind of tank I believe makes fish feel very secure and unstressed. I had a similar tank with dwarf puffers in it and the tall plants allowed them to create territories and stay out of each others way. 
Lovely shots!

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