I think that my snail brought somethin


helping big fish eat little fish everyday
Dec 8, 2002
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UPPER Michigan
okay got the sand bed in place for a week, got my snail for another 3 weeks after that and today I was sitting in my chair marveling at the beauty of the fish that I bought from CM. when I noticed a little thingy on the glass, I had noticed alot of these things but always just assumed that they were snail poop. well upon closer looking I noticed that they have a tunnel system in my sand!!!!, so I did what anybody with half a brain would do cleared out half of the tank decorations, and started sifting through my sand letting the giant albino danios that are in there for dithers follow behind my hand they must of figured out that they were safe there, and they got a good snack should I worry more or just start sifting more often till they are gone, I am also guessing that this is why my GT looks like he is eating sand as he is probably getting a snack as well.

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