I got a male betta fish a few months ago and he is my first fish. Originally he was in a small bowl so I temp moved him to a larger bowl about a 1foot tall and 1foot wide. I noticed that his front fins were starting to clump in a few areas so I went out and got him a talk with pebbles, filter, light, heater, thermometer. I got the talk to about 79 degrees F and also bought a live plant from the pet store for him. I put the plant in his bowl before I moved him over and he seemed to love it. He was making bubble nests next to it. I moved him to his tank and a few days later hes clumping his fins together in front and a little on the back fin. He also has a white belly (non fuzzy) and has one white spot on the top where his tail meets his body. He seems to HATE the filter system! He kept sleeping on the top of the plant. When I filled the tank I had cleaned all the parts first and let the water condition over time. I then added him in with the water from his bowl, which made up about half the tank.
Today I moved him back out into his old bowl and into completely new conditioned water. I did a PH level test from his tank and it came up fine. When I moved him back he unclumped his fins and started to swim around again. (what a little #19###! that tank was expensive! haha)
So my questions are:
-Is it possible he has a fungal infection from the plant?
-Where can I buy GOOD medication for it in Australia? (brand name list of suggestions would help, I read some arent very good)
-Should I leave the heater in the tank and remove the backing/filter so it looks like his bowl? (clear all the way around)
-Should I rid of the plant or leave it? I have no idea what to do! for now he is just back in his other bowl!
-I have salt for fresh water tanks as well as geo liquid mineral magic. Can I use this in a betta tank?
I dont want to mess with his cycle too much but im sure something is wrong here and I think he needs a change.
sorry for the huge post, im just worried about my fish! =( I feel like I got carried away in wanting him to have a better living area and now hes unhappy! The tank is only 12L but I live in an apartment and dont have the money yet for a larger tank.
Today I moved him back out into his old bowl and into completely new conditioned water. I did a PH level test from his tank and it came up fine. When I moved him back he unclumped his fins and started to swim around again. (what a little #19###! that tank was expensive! haha)
So my questions are:
-Is it possible he has a fungal infection from the plant?
-Where can I buy GOOD medication for it in Australia? (brand name list of suggestions would help, I read some arent very good)
-Should I leave the heater in the tank and remove the backing/filter so it looks like his bowl? (clear all the way around)
-Should I rid of the plant or leave it? I have no idea what to do! for now he is just back in his other bowl!
-I have salt for fresh water tanks as well as geo liquid mineral magic. Can I use this in a betta tank?
I dont want to mess with his cycle too much but im sure something is wrong here and I think he needs a change.
sorry for the huge post, im just worried about my fish! =( I feel like I got carried away in wanting him to have a better living area and now hes unhappy! The tank is only 12L but I live in an apartment and dont have the money yet for a larger tank.