I think my 2 of my tetras r pregnant

Chaos bringer

New Member
Feb 19, 2005
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I have 8 neons and i am concerned that 2 of them are pregnant. I an concerned as compared to the others they have a larger belly and what appears to be a large lump on it. Please could you tell me what this is
The ph has to be just right for neons to breed, don't sound pregnant to me with the lump, there red line hasn't faded has it.
Well since they aren't a live bearer, they can't be "Pregnant" they could have eggs in them though.
LoachLover said:
Well since they aren't a live bearer, they can't be "Pregnant" they could have eggs in them though.
yes this i true :p

arent neons fussy to breed aswell :blink:
Two of my 5 neons are also fatter than the other three. But I think they are just more dominant and the others and may get more food. :dunno:

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