I Think I Was Given False Info- Can You Help?

Cutting back on feeding, even to as little as one feed every 3-4 days, would be a very good move at this stage IMO :nod:

All the best

Hi Rabbut, last night i carried out about an 80% water change and 24 hours on the nitrite levels are still at 0. is this a good sign or is this to be expected with such a large change? i will continue to test and report back (as long as you dont mind that is.....), Matt.
Well, you'd expect after an 80% water change, with Nitrite starting at 5ppm, for them to be at 1ppm if the tap water reads zero, so a zero reading would indicate that the filter may have caught up with the Nitrite production. I assume that your Ammonia is testing zero also? If you have zeros for Ammonia and Nitrite for a few days, steap up feeding again to normal levels or double what it was, whichever is the smallest increase, and monitor for a few more days :good:

By all means, keep posting stat updates, we'll try help you interpret them where we can :good:

All the best
Well, you'd expect after an 80% water change, with Nitrite starting at 5ppm, for them to be at 1ppm if the tap water reads zero, so a zero reading would indicate that the filter may have caught up with the Nitrite production. I assume that your Ammonia is testing zero also? If you have zeros for Ammonia and Nitrite for a few days, steap up feeding again to normal levels or double what it was, whichever is the smallest increase, and monitor for a few more days :good:

By all means, keep posting stat updates, we'll try help you interpret them where we can :good:

All the best

Hello again, ok just tested the tap water and it gives a 0 reading for nitrite. my reading for ammonia in the tank along with the nitrite is at 0 :good: i will moniter it for a few days as you say and if any change i will let you know. thanks again,

First of all, it's not your fault, you never heard about cycling.

Is the tank 620 litres? If so, that's great, you have lots of space, which is a good thing.
ow, have a look on this forum and around the internet, you should find an article on fish-in cycling. it's more dangerous than fishless, but, since that, you have no other choice, other than to take back the gouramis.

Now, the Neon Tetra problem.

Neon Tetras are VERY VERY sensitive fish, not suprised that they did die, because of no cycling.
They should be added around 2 weeks after cycling's been finished.

Now to the brown algae.
I am having a huge problem with it in my tank, no worries.
It usually happens on New tank setups because of the Phosphate and Carbon molecules. It is not harmful to your fish. In fact, my fish always nibble on it.

My best advice for this, is cutting down feeding a little bit, to about 1-2 times a day with treats every 3-7 days.

thanks for your reply, i think the tank is 90 litres, its 24 inches wide x 14 deep x 17 high. its not massive but its all we have room for..... i have been told that the amount of fish is 1cm of fish for 1 litre of water, is this correct? not that im ready for any more fish yet but it would br nice to know when planning what fish to add.... i will check out the fish-in cycle, cheers. Matt
To get rid of it, you can use a very clean cloth (No soaps in it, or anything) and wipe it down. If you have the money, you can go to your LFS, or even Wal-Mart, and go buy an Algae Scrubber, they are pretty useful, they sell for around $10.

Hope I helped.
Well, you'd expect after an 80% water change, with Nitrite starting at 5ppm, for them to be at 1ppm if the tap water reads zero, so a zero reading would indicate that the filter may have caught up with the Nitrite production. I assume that your Ammonia is testing zero also? If you have zeros for Ammonia and Nitrite for a few days, steap up feeding again to normal levels or double what it was, whichever is the smallest increase, and monitor for a few more days :good:

By all means, keep posting stat updates, we'll try help you interpret them where we can :good:

All the best

Hello again, ok just tested the tap water and it gives a 0 reading for nitrite. my reading for ammonia in the tank along with the nitrite is at 0 :good: i will moniter it for a few days as you say and if any change i will let you know. thanks again,


Hi Rabbut, just tested my water again and it still reads 0 for nitrite and ammonia. i have just bought a nitrate and ph kit and the readings are ph = 7.6 nitrate = 10. am i safe to add a new fish yet? if so would an asian sun catfish or polka dot loach be suitable? or a small school of 5 tiger barbs? or am i getting a bit ahead of myself........ i just want more fish to look at........
cheers, matt.

Well, you'd expect after an 80% water change, with Nitrite starting at 5ppm, for them to be at 1ppm if the tap water reads zero, so a zero reading would indicate that the filter may have caught up with the Nitrite production. I assume that your Ammonia is testing zero also? If you have zeros for Ammonia and Nitrite for a few days, steap up feeding again to normal levels or double what it was, whichever is the smallest increase, and monitor for a few more days :good:

By all means, keep posting stat updates, we'll try help you interpret them where we can :good:

All the best

Hello again, ok just tested the tap water and it gives a 0 reading for nitrite. my reading for ammonia in the tank along with the nitrite is at 0 :good: i will moniter it for a few days as you say and if any change i will let you know. thanks again,

forgot to say, i have put a fish in cycle data post on here so it would be easier to view my stats.

Hi Rabbut, just tested my water again and it still reads 0 for nitrite and ammonia. i have just bought a nitrate and ph kit and the readings are ph = 7.6 nitrate = 10. am i safe to add a new fish yet? if so would an asian sun catfish or polka dot loach be suitable? or a small school of 5 tiger barbs? or am i getting a bit ahead of myself........ i just want more fish to look at........
cheers, matt.
I'd advise you to wait a week before adding any more fish, just to be sure you are cycled for the current Bio-load (read fish you have). I'm not well up on catfish, so I may be wrong here, but I'd assume both the Asian Sun and Polkadot (some form of Syondontis I think?) Catfish are larger fish and predatory, hence liable to go after the Neons and potentially the Dwarf Gourami after a while :sad: The Tiger Barbs are good for the stock you have ATM, but they are a fin-nipper, so may limit your stocking choices later if you opt to add them :good: The barbs will do better in a slightly older tank also, I usually recommend a 1 month old system for them :good:

I'd look for Odessa Barbs rather than Tiger Barbs - they are a bit smaller and not as nippy.

Personally I'd wait until your tank is a bit more mature before adding anything else, then consider 4 or 5 corydoras and 5 barbs for a nice colourful active tank - just don't add them all at once!! (and remember after adding new fish to do more regular water changes until the filter catches up with the new bioload.)

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