I Think I Want A Betta ;-)

NickAu said:
11 gallons is great. Just make sure any filtration you use doesn't flow too fast
In a 11 gallon one of these is perfect, I use one of these in my 18 gallon.

One of those now on it's way to me!  Next I'll order the plants - just need to decide which ones I like from the lots that I've seen recommended!  Then the tank - seems weird getting the tank last but I intend to put the new filter and the plants into my big mature tank for a few weeks to get loaded with good bateria before I start the fishless cycle.

I bought a tank

I got it off gumtree for £20, it has T8 light in the hood, hood fits very firmly!
It's been stood in my utility room for the last week making sure that it doesn't leak - and it doesn't.
Plants haven't arrived yet so I wont be setting it up for a few weeks as I want to put the plants in the mature tank for a while,
I'm excited and nervous - last time I set up a tank I didn't fully understand what I was doing - now I know how many things can go wrong I'm nervous 


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