I Think I May Have A Problem With My Siamese Algae Eaters


Nov 4, 2005
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they dont seem sick and one of them i have had a fair time now ..today i got a second one its a lot smaller but theres been no truble with the fish i have in the pet store it was swimming rownd a fair bit but when i got it home in my tank it dose not move as much and spends a lot of time Vertical at the top of the tank the reson i only now found this strang is cuz the one i have had for along time dose the same thing and always has i thort it was just him but the new ones doing the same thing could the water be to warm or cold or some thing ??as i said they dont seem sick (oh the other fish i have are all swimming fine and normal)
like on the glass at the top? oh and the water should ideally between like 72-84 degrees fahrenheit
yep on the glass the one that i had for along time died i have found the adults of that typ of fish are realy afected by the melafix mederson cuz it killed it i no that it was the reason for it dieing cuz i used it befor that a long long time ago when i had 2 small ones and they died the next day as well the only reason tryed it a second time was alot of peepl told me it could not of been the melafix the first time rownd so i thort maby i used to much or some thing but when i used to try and help the fish again they died so i dont use that stuff any more the baby ones i got about a month ago are doing well they are in a tank with more sun light ..........oh and as for the water between like 72-84 degrees i keep mine at arownd 81-82.........i never found out if they were sick or not

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