I Really Messed Up, Help My Fishies!

NeonBlueLeon said:
Salt definitely kills Ich.  Salt will create an unlivable environment for Ich parasites when they detach from the fish.  The Ich parasite has been studied extensively, and there are resources out there were you can learn all about Ich and how salt kills it.
When a fish is stressed, their immune systems become weakened which is why after transport to a new home, there can be an Ich outbreak.  However, contrary to popular belief, Ich is not always present in a tank.  If Ich does not have a host to attach to, the parasite will die.  There is no long-term dormant stage of the Ich parasite.  I have found, unfortunately, that a lot of fish stores, especially the ones that have shared filtration systems with multiple tanks are rampant with Ich.  This is why quarantine tanks are important.  If a new fish suddenly comes down Ich, it came from the place where it was bought, not from your own tank.
Now in your situation, your betta's immune system may still be fighting off the Ich parasite effectively.  You have described it to be showing little signs of stress.  Therefore, its immune system may not be weakened yet.  However, Ich outbreaks will eventually infect all fish in a tank, even the healthy ones.
So, move your betta to a clean (Ich-less) tank.  Don't bring any gravel, decor, or plants to the Ich-less tank.  Treat the infected tank for Ich.  I highly recommend salt.  Not only does it kill Ich parasites, it will also promote a new slime coat on your fish.  Other chemical based medications can slow or halt your cycling process and have long-term or permanent adverse health effects on your fish.
If you decide to go with salt treatment, you can PM for specific details.  I'll be happy to help!
TY so much!  yeha i read medicine way kills off some of the good bacteria.  I got some "salt" im not 1000% if this is the right kind of salt?  its Tetra's marine salt.  Its for salt water fish, is this the right kind of salt? 
Marine salt will do the job.  Salt, when dissolved in water, form ions.  A certain concentration of these ions in the water will effectively halt osmosis in the Ich parasite, thus killing them.  Issues with salt come from the "other" chemicals that maybe be present in the salt.  I have heard that iodized (some table salt) is harmful to fish.  I have never used table salt or iodized salt, so I couldn't say.
Marine salt will increase the pH of your tank.  Just something to keep in mind. :)
From what I've read marine salt adds a whole bunch of other stuff to your tank, which will change your water's chemistry and all you really need is NaCl. The small amount of iodine in table salt is negligible in what affects it can have on your fish, and whole lot cheaper to use than aquarium salt.  
I imagine your eyes are probably just about ready to fall out of your head from all the reading you did but this is an excellent, excellent article to help you understand ich, and learn about what's safe to use as treatment:

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