I Need Some Help


New Member
Apr 9, 2007
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i just got a male and female for my new 5 gallon divided tank today, after i had put them in i had to go out for a bit. when i came back my female had jumped over the divider and they were mating. so now i have alot of fry coming and i have no idea what to do i was never planning to mate them so i dont have anything to take care of the fry with what should i do?

ps. i fixed the devider so they cant get to each other again and left the male on the side with the eggs
The betta male might eat the fry or you can feed the fry to other fish. But I would personally destroy the eggs now if you can't support them... before they hatch and you get attached to them.
I dont think i could do that :sad: , im gonna try to keep them i was asking for help on caring for them anything i need ill get its just i dont know where to start
thanks that helps a bunch!, but i still have one problem everywhere i look it says to feed them live food well i dont have time for live food so what else culd i give the fry when they hatch
Wow - I'm surprised they got to work so fast!! :rolleyes: Is there a bubblenest? I'm surprised he had time to make one so quickly. As for fry food, if you have access to an aquarium shop - I'd ask what they would recommend. I think there is a betta fry food??? Not sure though. You will also have to prepare yourself with LOTS of containers for the fry when they get bigger (I think you have a couple of weeks though)... it's been recommended to use beanie baby containers or at the very least - mason jars with breathable lids. None of the containers should have been in contact with soap, though. Hopefully, your fry won't be that big. What are you going to do with those that make it? You could have a lot on your hands. :rolleyes: Good luck and keep us posted!!
well at the pet store the male was in a jar by the female and they kept looking at each other and since i was going to get a male and a female i thought i would get these two, so im kinda thinking they may have been making "plans" before i got them. i was gone for about 2 hours so he must have worked really fast
hmmm I don't really think its a good idea to raise fry that you aren't prepared for... do you have at least a 10 gallon growout? 20 gallon + is preferred, plus cultures, containers to jars the males in when they're old enough and home for a possible 100 babies?
i have a 22g tank that i can use (it need a good cleaning though) im the kind of person who couldnt just let them die.
I can understand how you feel - I'd probably feel the same way! But Jaded makes a good point - it's really best to be prepared - the fry wouldn't have much of a chance when they get bigger and you'd feel worse. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.
thanks that helps a bunch!, but i still have one problem everywhere i look it says to feed them live food well i dont have time for live food so what else culd i give the fry when they hatch

You can go to your local LFs and buy Hikari's first bites this will work good just be sure to not over feed I use to use this along with baby brine shrimp they loved the first bites.Also if your divider is the type with the small holes in it wone do you no good to keep the bettas in the tank with the fry cause the fry are small enough they will get to other side and the female and male will eat them. after spawning u need to remove the female the male stays to take care of the fry till they get free swiming then u must remove the male but keeping them in same tank with divider probably wont work.
i took out the devider and i have the female in temp housing

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