right then, it seems like its been months since i last posted, but anyways...
so my plans have changed again, lol.
last week i was given a shop to use for my other business idea, a dedicated xbox gaming centre

so this idea is now in the process of becoming a reality.
now, your probably thinking whats this got to do with marine fish!?
well, it hasnt lol
i was considering clowns and shrimps, but after car3eful consideration i have changed to h.babouri seahorses.
at the end of the day im doing this to make money, im not gonna sugar coat it lol.
breeding clowns wouldnt be as profitable as seahorses, so that made my decision easier.
i have the tanks, the equipment, and a source of captive bred seahorses, so im just waiting on the salt, and to cycle tanks and then im off on my way
i will be starting a proper journal, using the pics from this idea, but then switching to horses