I Need Some Advice Please

ok, ive had to delay the arrival of my new tanks :(
my daughter is here for the weekend so it wouldnt have been safe to have all the glass tanks laying about til i get stands etc.

ok, to recap, i now deffo have at my disposal the following..
2 x 36x15x15 tanks. 1 is divided into 2 and the other is divided into 3.
1x 30x30x28 tank complete with halides, weir, coralias, powerheads and stand :)
1x 35l arcadia arc tank
1x 5ft tank with cabinet
1x 4ft tank with complete enclosed cabinet and stand
1x 2ft basic glass tank.
filters are also here, externals, internals and i also have 2 protein skimmers.

phew! thats a lot of tanks!
thats not including my current rio 180 reef tank and my vision 180 freshwater tank.

ok, i also have to rehome my ouachita map turtle and 4 musk turtles. not with someone else, just need to move them to another tank thatsd larger.

ive got a lot to keep busy with these next few months :)
ill be keeping you all up to speed with some new topics when i start the setup.

hpefully we can help each other out and maybe breed something amazing! :)

thanks again everyone

Whoa! tanks galore!
I would definitely divide the 4 and 5 footers, those will make great broodstock or growout tanks. :good:
My breeding is put on hold atm because i'm setting up a new display, but as soon as it's situated i'll be getting back into my previous goals :good:

Oh mojo aka gab, i remember :p
nemo, just noticed your sig bit, is it hard to breed cleaner shrimps? might give that a go if not, that would be interesting :)

also, is it easy or worth me setting up a tank with just corals to try and get regular frags?
and, this is gonna seem like a real stupid question lol, but ill ask anyways...
do corals need super amazing filtration? ive always thought that if you have enough LR in a coral only tank then surely just a basic external filter and skimmer would be enough?
is that correct?
Cleaner shrimp are on my challenge list. The breeding part is easy, it's the raising part. It can be counted on your fingers how many people have successfully gotten them to metamorphosis. If you are interested in shrimp, peppermints are relatively "easy" and blood (AKA fire) shrimp are considered a step up above peppermints.

As for the corals, if you have no fish connected to their system, it would be quite easy to keep the nitrates down, so in that aspect you would be OK with just LR and skimmer. Trace elements would be your only concern. Is it worth it? Tough to say, I would think so. I'd have a separate frag tank if I was allowed :)().
right then, its decided. im gonna have my new almost cube 109 gallon tank for corals, polyps, LR and a few reef safe bright fish - suggestions?? ill stick to what people tell me for this one! i want the tank to have skimmer, LR and an external filter. plus halide lights for the corals to grow properly :)

as for the breeding, i wanna try a few things really. deffo clowns, and im very interested in the shrimp breeding now!

what about pipefish or seahorses?> does anyone know if there is a market for captive bred seahorses at all?
ive bred hippocampus kuda before years back, but they were specialist only really that long ago
Wrasses :D
Fairy, flasher wrasses- all gorgeous!

Seahorses and pipefish seem to becoming more popular IMO, but there is still not as large as a market compared to other fishes.
when i start this i want to tackle:


flame angel

longnose hawkfish

mandarin goby

clown goby



dear me im blanking out lol ummmm...

bellus angel

and thats alli can remember but imo to start id dothe cardinals and maybe the hawkfish for a challenge, but im a noob so id wait for nemo to respond shes brilliant

btw how is boss?
Boss is great. Still the most colorful of them all, albeit not the largest anymore.

That's quite a list! Quite a few challenges there. Hawkfish has never successfully been reared as far as I know and finding pairs is apparently horribly difficult, even finding one to buy.
Boss is great. Still the most colorful of them all, albeit not the largest anymore.

That's quite a list! Quite a few challenges there. Hawkfish has never successfully been reared as far as I know and finding pairs is apparently horribly difficult, even finding one to buy.

yeah but longnose is the only one i have heard of being bred in tank lol which is why its there, plus i just love the pattern looks like it got grilled hehehe
ok, the 2 36inch tanks arrived today :)
heres some pics of them :)



i have one stand thats ok for one of them, but need another now :(
the cube 30 inch tank is gonna be here in the next 2 weeks so i better get busy making space!!

also went through my old fish stuff, and found loads of bulbs to use! they arent old and some havent been used! why i went and bought more recently ill never know lol!

so, whats next?
anyone got a stand suitable? or any ideas on how to support both safely together?
i was thinking of getiing one of those huge metal workshop desks, like mechanics have. would that be ok?
id have to put wood under the legs though to distribute the weight on the floor properly wouldnt i?
with my lack of knowledge i would say build a really big built-in about waist high and put the tanks on top :good:
right, its been a while but now i finally have the stand and tanks in place :)
the cube tank is on hold still, cos im skint :( but by end of next week i should have it, i hope!!

ok, so heres the tanks on the stand :) yes i know there are gaps and stuff, but i will be maximising space with small tanks and wooden panels to cover the holes :)

pics -
lol what a mess!
the stand had feet, but they were quite rusted and bent, so i had to hacksaw them off lol, missions!!


heres a pic of them in the stand :)

and another :)

and, also, i now have hundreds of teeny tiny froglets! i was using the tadpoles for turtle treats, but i cant bring myself to feed the froglets to them :)
so im growing them on a bit then gonna go release them in a nearby pond


and for fun, here is a pic of me when i went to my local river for some fishing :) caught lots of stickleback and some perch. they now live in my outside tank, with some crayfish and lots of tadpoles lol :)

and this is the river :) its really peaceful and has a lot of life in it!

anywho, ill be filling the tanks up tomorrow, then ill probably put my turtles in one for now, then use my old turtle tank as a sump for the top 3, and try somehow to power them all on same sump and pump :) not really got that far ahead yet lol
ps - you cant really tell but both tanks are 3 foot long in total :)
planning on using one bottom part for breeding cleaner shrimp or fire shrimp and the other side for cardinals, then the top tanks will be for fry grow on, if i manage to get that far
fingers crossed for me!!!

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