I Need Help

After 33 days of my fishless cycle, my nitrite was 0 (light blue) when i tested in at night!! I couldnt believe it had finally happened!!
Now ammonia and nitrite are processed back to 0 after 10 hours and have been doing so for 3 days now, so I know im almost there!!
Now im checking for nitrates and that seems to be a constant 40 ppm.
The nitrites will be 0 out of the blue one day and you can almost celebrate!!
Stick with it - soooo worth it!!
thanks mate sounds like a plan....i think im getting the hang of it...

so when i get zero on ammonia, i put some more ammonia in is that right?

and keep on testing ammonia and nitrite until they read zero?

then what?.....
You are right - when you get a 0 reading for ammonia, dose it back up to 2ppm and keep checking for nitrites too.

Every time the ammonia drops to 0, put some more in to a level of 2ppm. (Gotta keep those ammonia bacteria going).

I did a large water change inbetween as well to try and help reduce the nitrite level.

You will notice the nitrate level goes up as nitrites become 0. Then a very large water change should reduce the nitrate level.

When ammonia and nitrites read 0 iin 10/12 hours, you are there my friend!!
Its the time the nitrite bacteria take to grow thats the waiting part!! Seems to take forever but one day.......0!!!
Until you get zeros for both ammonia and nitrite. It takes time and patience. It doesn't happen over night, unfortunately.
Hi TC - the problem with the API ammonia test is that it's very difficult to tell 0ppm from 0.25ppm (which is one of the 2 reasons why I don't use the API tests). So, I'm going to assume that you are actually seeing 0ppm ammonia.
Is this test result 24 hours after you last added ammonia?
i put my first ammonia dose a week ago...then tested 24 hours later and had high ammonia reading and nitrite was also high.

and i kept testing everyday and they started to drop..and today very low if not zero and i also did a nitrate test which read zero.

i dosed ammonia again and ill be testing in 10 hours.

if ive got anything wrong can you please let me know.
Basically, when you see Double Zeros (ie 0ppm for ammonia and nitrite) 24 hours after a dose, then you are into stage 3 of the process. That is keep dosing the ammonia and wait for both ammonia and nitrite to be processed to 0ppm in 12 hours.
I don;t really understand from your reply whether your Double Zeros result above was after 12 hours or 24 hours of your last dose of ammonia.
it was 24hours ...and im on my second ammonia dose so now ill check after 12hours and should see zeros?

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