I Need Help

Yeah; do not add any ammonia to a tank with fish it!
Ammonia is used for a fishless cycle; cycling with fish in is a different process all together!
sorry....i have two tanks...one has pretty much cycle it self now..the fish have in there seem happy and ive had for four about 8months and a molly is pregnant

i have another tank which i want to cycle properly without fish...sorry i should of mentioned that earlier.
my first tank i lost alot of fish like i said so im determined to get my second one right.

i am using a smartphone so sorry about spelling. ;-)
Oh, thank goodness!
gave you a scare.lol...my second tank will be cold water with hardy tropical fish (schooling fish mainly)...ill ask for recomendations on them when im ready to buy.
Tropical fish need warm water; they can't live in a tank without a heater...
its reccomened? my juwel has tropical fish no heater they doing ok ..is it easier to look after cold water?
What temp range are we talking about here? 
Bloodfin tetras can go as low as 18C - up to 28C.
White Cloud Mountain minnows (actually very similar to bloodfins) are true temperate fish: 16-22C.
Rosy barbs are also suitable to 16C - 24C, but they won't work in your tank - too small.
As for the cycle on the 2nd tank.  Steal a bit of filter media (anything from inside the filter) - no more than 25% of the stuff - and put that into your filter on the new tank.  This will greatly shorten the duration of the cycle.  
well the second tank is in the living room ...talking room temperature...i just wanted to know if it would be ok ...I'm not actually ready to buy any fishes yet as you know.
i work constantly(seven days) so im looking for fish that would survive on minimum care ..but we can get to that when my cycle has started.:)
Room temperature is different for different folks.
true...ill get a reading when i get home..
ps thank you for taking time to explain all of this..I'm learning alot..
so my test kit finally showed up.....ive added ammonia 3ml like five days ago and i added some more today...so when shall i test ?
I would have tested before adding the additional ammonia today, if possible.  But either way.  I'd test it now.  Test it at the same time every day, at the time of your dose of ammonia.
ok cool..thank you ill be testing tomarrow....so what happens after that. i mean if i get a high or low reading?
If the ammonia is anywhere from 0.50-4ppm, just sit and wait for the ammonia to drop to zero.  If its over 4ppm, do a water change to drop it to 2-3ppm.  It its 0-0.50 ppm, test the nitrite.  And redose the ammonia to 1-1.5ppm.
Oh, and I don't see how cold water fish and maintenance are related...tropical fish don't really need any more care than the fact they need a heater, which requires no maintenance. Plus for the fish you're probably looking at they pretty much need a heater unless your temperature is constantly at 74-78, which I kind of doubt..

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