I Need Bumblebee Cafish Info Can You Plz Help! Plz

bumblebee catfish

New Member
Aug 5, 2009
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hayes uk
hi ther i need bumblebee cafish info can you plz help!!!! plz as i am get one of (ebay.co.uk) and it is comeing on tesuday. thanks bumblebee :good: :rolleyes: :shifty: :hyper:
ive got one of these and i never see it lol but lovely little catfish

Bumble Bee Catfish
Scientific Name: Microglanis Iheringi
Recommended Aquarium: 30+ Gallons
Approx. Adult Size: 4 inches
Temperament: Peaceful
Ease of Care: Easy
Diet: Carnivore
Native Waters: South America - Venezuela

This yellow and black banded character is an effective scavenger that is not particular in its eating selection. A varied diet of bloodworms, tubifex worms, and sinking pellet foods fed just prior to lights-out will allow food for aquarium companions and, hopefully, still a few leftovers for the more nocturnal Bumble Bee Cat. It will not bother other fish, with the possible exception of those that will fit into its mouth. Equally fine kept singly or in groups, the Bumble Bee Catfish is tolerant of most water conditions. Plenty of decoration or plants should be provided as this fish likes to take cover. Do not despair if it has not made its presence known for a period of time. The Bumble Bee Cat, with its camouflaged pattern, can be difficult to spot when in hiding
lol they do hide a lot i know that lol. but what can you feed them i have done research but what else can i feed them?? thanks bumblebee :hyper: :shout: :good: :rolleyes:
well my tank gets fed mussels/prawns/squidrings/sinking catfish pellets/floating pellets/cichlid food/cucumber/romain lettuce/frozen bloodworms allsorts so i guess it eats all that goes to the bottom ive never seen it eat and ive had it 3 years i think and ive only seen it 7/8 times lol it must be eating well i did actually see it about 2 weeks ago when i completly rescaped the tank and it looked really well and fully grown i might have to get a few more if i can find them lol
Do you have a pic/link to this catfish as there are two types;

the asian bumble bee catfish and the south american bumble bee catfish

The asian species gets to 6" and is fairly aggressive and will nip fins and eat anything that will fit in its mouth
i have a fully grown asian bumble bee cat at just short of 6 inch, but mine is pseudomystus siamensis.
They will eat anything that fits into their mouths, they are also known to be fin nippers, they can and do harass other fish, sometimes to death. I took a chance with mine, was £5 as someone took it to my lfs for unknown reasons, but settled in well and doesnt bother anything. But bare in mind all my fish are a fair size!
the one of ebay i am getting is a Pseudopimelodus raninus bumblebee catfish so what type is that?? thanks Bumblebee :good:
Synonyms: Batrachoglanis raninus, Pimelodus raninus
Physical description:
Size/Length: To 6" (15 cm)
Similar species: Other Pseudopimelodus species
S: bottom
Habitat: South America; widespread in the Amazon river from Surinam to Peru
Aquarium: A 40" (102 cm) tank with a capacity from 45-55 gallons (170-209 L) is sufficient. The tank can be well-planted and should be furnished with several retreats. Dim lighting is suggested.
Water chemistry: pH 5.8-7.5 (6.7), 2-20 dH (8), 70-81°F (21-27°C)
Social behavior: A seclusive predator that may consume fish up to 3" (8 cm) in length. This nocturnal species may disappear for long periods. Can be kept singly or in groups.
Suggested companions: Angelfish, Acaras, Cichlasoma from Central America, Loricarids, Leporinus, Anostomus, Chalceus, Myleus, Metynnis, Pimelodus, Knifefish
FOOD: Live; worms, crustaceans, fish, insect larvae, aquatic insects; tablets.
SEX: Males are said to be slimmer than females.
Breeding techniques: Unsuccessful.
Breeding potential: 10. Has yet to be bred in aquaria.
Remarks: As a result of this species's wide distribution, several different forms exist. Thus the species has been broken down into sub-species.
Difficulty of care: 5. This subtle predator is quite hardy and adaptable to a broad range of water properties.

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