I Nearly Freakin' Died!


Fish Crazy
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
Houston, TX
I walked into my store today to find a bright blue crowntail betta! Thats right...you heard me! A crowntail betta in walmart! I had to grab ahold of the shelf to keep from fainting...I was so blown away. I nearly bought him...but then I thought about where I would put him considering I'm getting 7 more in a few months. Screw it! He's mine! ALL MINE! *runs back to the store at 1am in superman boxers and bunny slippers*

Btw...is the crowtail gene dominant?
This is why my hubby doesnt take me to garden centres as I come out with plastic bags with "nothing" in them!
Wow, nice find, lucky you! The CT gene is recessive :)
Believe it or not...I actually went back to Walmart in my superman boxers and bunny slippers, coworkers be damned, to get that fish. :p As soon as I figure out how to get the pics off my camera and into my computer I'll show you all...which could take a while. :/

So if I bred him to anything other than a crowntail, which are the chances of any offspring being CTs? I should have paid attention in Biology.
Unless the fish you breed him to carries the CT gene, you'll get no CTs. You can potentially get a few combtails with good crowning, but they won't be full CTs.

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