I Love My Wife! Best In The World!

Dec 26, 2010
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As some of you are aware my wife has told me my marine tank has to go out the lounge which will mean my trop tank going to my dads. Obviously you all know how annoyed I am at that and it seems my wife has also noticed as she told me this morning that if I move my marine into the kitchen and keep it in there for good she will BUY me a large tank! :hyper:

Were still deep in negotiations but it currently stands at a 5 footer which means I can finally keep a regal tang and maybe squeeze in a kole as well as well as my current stock.

Unfortunatly tho ive failed to persuade her into buying an FX5, deltec skimmer, lighting unit, substrate and more live rock!

I suppose I better pay for something! :lol:

Only draw back is it won't be until after Xmas once the new baby has settled in (and ourselves) and we've re arranged things to make more space.
Luckily tho I have the space in the kitchen to squeeze a 5ft'er in out of the way once I've removed some worktop, re housed the tumble dryer and remove the radiator.

It WILL be cold in there but who cares,.......... It will have a marine tank on show! :lol:
As some of you are aware my wife has told me my marine tank has to go out the lounge which will mean my trop tank going to my dads. Obviously you all know how annoyed I am at that and it seems my wife has also noticed as she told me this morning that if I move my marine into the kitchen and keep it in there for good she will BUY me a large tank! :hyper:

Were still deep in negotiations but it currently stands at a 5 footer which means I can finally keep a regal tang and maybe squeeze in a kole as well as well as my current stock.

Unfortunatly tho ive failed to persuade her into buying an FX5, deltec skimmer, lighting unit, substrate and more live rock!

I suppose I better pay for something! :lol:

Only draw back is it won't be until after Xmas once the new baby has settled in (and ourselves) and we've re arranged things to make more space.
Luckily tho I have the space in the kitchen to squeeze a 5ft'er in out of the way once I've removed some worktop, re housed the tumble dryer and remove the radiator.

It WILL be cold in there but who cares,.......... It will have a marine tank on show! :lol:

Yay thats such good news woody :)

and a 5 footer is wicked mate! Plenty of space for more LR and the scaping ideas are endless!
Women are wonderful beings... And you're having a baby... Happy times! :good:

Great stuff :D you can buy my live rock then :ninja: and you can squeeze more than a regal and a kole in a 5 footer :lol:
Whey lucky you, getting a big tank.

Have you looked at godiva.
I love her aswell :hey:

Kidding!! Nice one mucker.
Cheers for the replies guys!

I'm as happy as..........(too rude to show)
Swear you said you could just fit a 6foot in the kitchen :/
How did you manage that!!!

My powers of persuasion! :lol:

ok you can have whatever size u want , but i aint giving you anymore than £400 - £450 so dont get to carried away :rolleyes:
plus u had better be really nice to me untill then :lol:
plus u aint having it till your birthday and that aint till feb so u have a long time to be a good boy!!!
I CAN ALWAYS CHANGE MY MIND!!!!! remember that :hey:
only kidding :wub: x

Swear you said you could just fit a 6foot in the kitchen :/

Just another 12" to cut off the worktop! :lol:

Oi missus, stop posting in my name and get off my bloody computer!

Actually carry on, it's racking my posts up!

At this rate I might catch up with weez!

No, don't be silly that's impossible! :lol:
get of that flamming phone , get out of the car and get dan out of school NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry:

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