Back down to 5 foot now. Simply so if frees up cash to buy an FX5 and a deltec skimmer.
Just lighting, substrate and another 30kg of LR to sort out.
And a RO unit!
and it's nice looking stuff, i can vouch for thatBack down to 5 foot now. Simply so if frees up cash to buy an FX5 and a deltec skimmer.
Just lighting, substrate and another 30kg of LR to sort out.
And a RO unit!
Live rock you say i might know somebody selling the odd 35-40kg
From what I can tell on average , 5 ft tanks are around 88G 400ish L. If that's the case then I only need another 15kg of LR for biologically filter the tank properly.
If anyone plans on letting go of some of thier LR in a few months time then give me a shout. Same goes for a deltec mce 600 and an FX5! lol
My sister has an mce 600 just sitting on the floor in her lounge!! It has cut down outlets, but then think we all cut them down they are far too long! Also has media chamber. I suspect she would let it go for about £80 (although havent asked her)
Well, wouldnt mind betting it will still be in the same spot months down the line I did tell her I would sell it for her, but havent done anything about it yet