I love my Fish

Of course I only watch my fishies with the binoculars! I don't care what my neighbors are doing - unless they have fish. (No, really, I've never even thought about checking!)
it takes me two hours to get up for school in the morning and 1 and 3/4 of that is spent fish gazing :look: /feeding etc. Then I get home and spend another 2 hours fish gazing, feed them all and go to bed. My life! ha!
Rodders said:
I dont sit watching them as long as my cat does. Its like a TV to him, ill wake up and hes there and he just sits there and sits there........................ :rofl:
Hehehe.....thats cute......its interesting though, because my cat has no interest in my fish whatsoever? My cat must be strange in the eyes of its fellow felines!
Hi All

I`m really getting worried about some of the members in this thread - what with all the binoculars :rofl: - and sitting staring at fish - there are medical conditions that cause prolonged periods of staring at things :rofl: :rofl:

I am fairly new at this hobby, say 2 months tops with actual fish. But, I thought that I needed to get a life because I can't wait to get home and see what the fish are doing. I am so glad that I am not alone. :nod:
My cat sits and stares at my fish tank for ages as well. The only problem is there are no fish in it yet, I am still cycling!

I worry about that cat. :/

Aylana, why does a rabbit have a pancake on top of its head in your sig?
I can't make out the text.
personally, I'd be more worried about that rabbit than about your cat. :lol:

oh, and almost forgot!
home office here.
Fish tank on 4 high filing cabinet beside desk with computer.
I get to watch my fishies all day while I work! yay!
lol, the text says the same as in my signature ie: I have no idea what you are talking about so here is a bunny with a pancake on its head.

Its just a random thing I stumbled across and found amusing, I'm sure the rabbit doesn't mind too much! :D

I wish I could watch fish at work, it might calm me down when talking to numptys all day.

I know why that rabbit has a pancake on its head!

That's Oolong, a rabbit in Japan who can do amazing "head performance" tricks! Oolong has managed to gather something of a cult following over the years. Here's a link. http://www.syberpunk.com/cgi-bin/index.pl?page=oolong

Oh...and yeah. I like watching my fish, too. :rofl:
You think YOU have problems? Last night, I got up to use the bathroom at 1 am, when I noticed a huge Trumpet Snail on the side of a tank I didn't think had any snails. I watched that snail eat alage for 30 minutes. Half an hour, watching a snail!

I also spend about 10 minutes a day watching my plants.
:lol: some interesting threads, I watch mine to for an hour or two, but I like a glass of lager while watching mine.
i dont watch mine too much bcuz there is really nothing to see until just before the lights go out. THats when the cories get active.
I just started my fish tank but I've always been fascinated with fish. I guess that's why I finally bought a tank, under the guise that it's for "the family".

Today I was out shoveling snow in the driveway. A couple of times I stopped to look in the window so I could look at the fish tank. The wife and kids are away for the weekend, hehehe! Did I go out with the boys and get drunk? Did I waste my time watching movies or cruising the internet? Did I try to catch up on my reading or listen to some of the CDs I got for Christmas? No! I watched fish!!! (and shoveled snow)

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