I know this is a hard one to answer...

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Thanks Danny. Not gonna rush out and spend money (though how you know I'm not sick? :thumbs: :thumbs: )

I did after close inspection and re-reading the materials decide to go ahead and begin a Maracyn 2 treatment. The clown certainly can't hurt from it now...not just tail fin ragged but much clamped too. He isn't smiling.

The platies I have now have survived everything so this won't hurt them.

As for my gouramis, well, I'll hope. But the Maracyn II is fairly benign and I am hopeful it will help.

I'm starting half dose. I suppose I can't go half dose all the way though...probably not a good idea. Though I like to be cautious....
Although pipes can sometimes cause problems for our fish...I don't think that is the problem here!!!

I had old galvenised piping before I replaced them with copper piping several years ago.

The pipes were so bad that when I removed them and looked inside I could barely see through them (they were original to the house. Some 50 years old!!) and they never caused a problem for my tanks.

The two spots on the clown are they the same two spots that have been there from the beginning??

I am just curious...could it be something other than ich?? I find it rather strange that these same two parasites (if they are the same) have not left the fish to reproduce!!

It's really hard to diagnose your problem without seeing the fish in question, but hopefully the problem will clear up and you (and your fish!!!) can get back to the enjoyment of your tank.

I think the clown first had it in the gills. the spots appeared maybe 2 or 3 days ago. but it is odd they are still there. tho he's hiding now.
Update: poor clown loach. Now he's got the white spots all over one side of him and on his tail. Can't get a good look at the other side.

Wonder if he'll ever get rid of ich ( :lol: ). Seriously, he's looking quite sad.

All the other fish seem clear. The water is quite green from all the Maracide.

This is the end of day 7 of the treatment (or day 2 of round 2 for those keeping score at home). Looking bleak.

If it isn't gone at the end of this, I think I have to euthanise. Going out of town and don't want the whole tank to die.

Hmmm... :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:
I would seperate the affected fishes & isolate them in a
hospital/quarantine tank, still carrying on the treatment
in the main tank.

Do you have a hospital tank for emergencies?

At least this way if your out of town, if the severly
affected fishes do die while your away, you won't
have a pollution problem from decaying fish adding
to more problems in your main tank....
Well, another one for the "everyone's experience is a bit different" file:

Maracide did nothing positive for my tank. Blue platy suddenly deteriorated, with half of tail missing, a clamped fin, another fin covered in ich. Gave it and clown a salt bath last night. This morning clown not at all changed, but blue platy is attacking others in the tank, to the point I anticipate dead fish when I return home tonight.

I am guessing this will be total devastation before it's over. Gonna have to strip and start again after vacation.

But I can say one thing...next sign of ich, I'm back to Quick Cure. Maracide offered no benefit that I can see to my tank. Sorry Danny :crazy: :crazy:
>> but blue platy is attacking others in the tank <<

Blue platy attacks & then your fish suffer
secondary problems resulting from the platy..

Weak fish suffer...
leading to damage > infection/disease then (hopefully not) death!

Would you like to be looked in a garden shed with all your
mean badest ememies?

Seperating problem bully fish until your tank mates are feeling better
normally saves from multiple deaths, from
being attacked > getting wounded > leeding infections & disease...

I had to seperate a fish today a small baby silver shark that got the full
belt from a BIG silver shark that caused severe injury to the little silver shark, resulting from internal (i think) organ damage from the force of the 3 attacks that it had, I have a feeling it will be stiff in the morning -_-

It's weird, as the silver shark that was causing the problem was very close
the death itself a few days ago (it's made full recovery) from having a plec trapped in it's mouth...

We could make soaps ot out fish tanks that rival eastenders.. :lol:
I agree there,
Sometimes what may work for one may NOT work for another.
For as long as I have been in the hobby I have used just about EVERY med on the market.
Quick Cure being it was and has been one of the orig. meds for ick many people use it.
Personaly I NEVER had the luck I have had with the Maracide. Keep in mind now we are talking 102 tanks to maintain. I have seen and had some of what I thought was the worse cases of ick and NOTHING would take care of it like the Maracide did and does.

Quick Cure not only kills ick but if used stronger than suggested it WILL kill snails, shrimps, fish, and burn plants.

You know what works REALLY good to kill off snails?

An extra dose of Quick Cure.

That in itself tells me that this is a medication I PERSONALY would not use nor recommend.

Now like you said, what works may not work for all. Youy have also got to keep in mind we are going by what YOU discribe and several times I mentioned that SEEING the fish makles a big difference and will BETTER help determine the course of action.

Being this problem has gone on and was already at it's later stages who is to say ick is NOT a secondary problem and there is a more serious problem other than the ick?>

Thats a good example on how different meds can affect if knoweing the proper action. Maracide IMO / IME of over 15 years keeping fish is trhe best IMO. I would NOT even think about using a second choice med. I would let the tank go if I am out till I can get more. Thats how much I WILL swear to Maracide for ick.

I strongly doubt that it is only ick in the tank. If the Maracide didn't take care of it usiing Quick Cure Is ONLY going to make matters worse. IMO.
the stress level alone is enough to kill the fishj that are all reayd having trouble.

If you STILL want advice I suggest NOT adding any more meds UNLESS they are the same as what you have been using. Even though you have done a water change and the Maracide appears to be all out there is still a chemical reaction from the med. Add another and this in itself can prove fatal.

When suggested to use both Mardel Products together is because they are and can be used together in some cases. Quick Cure is composed of diff,. meds / chemicals which just may bring on extra stress.

Well, guess if you have decided the advice was useless you may want to use what YOU think is best.
Maracide again IME is ten to one better then Quick Cure and less harmfull to the tank life. Sorry if you feel as though all the time and effort both CM and I put into this was a waste.
To me, nothing is a lost case till the fish stop swimming. I DO NOT give up on them regardless of how long it takes or how bad fish looks.

Good Luck with the Quick Cure, Hope your fish improve and sorry if you feel we watsed your time.

Almost forgot,

Fin rot, Tail rot these are symptoms totaly diff. from ick but, can be brought on by other factors also. If you have a sick fish and a healthy-ER fish together the weekest will ALWAYS get the worst of it.
If you do not see them fighting or beating on each other you can rest assure that ICK was never the primary problem.

Look, if the fish get better there should be NO reson they should over night go to worse again. If this is happening it is because :

1) fish is getting beat up aside of being sick
2)fish is suffering from severe stress for several resons.
3)secondary infections

4)stress, which MANY things can bring this on.
STRESS which can be caused by hands stiring in tank because fish hides can bring on a problem.


did they show signs BEFORE or AFTER you started to move the clowns hidding place with your hands because it would not come out ?

I'f I recall I think in the post you stated that a few times you stuck your hand into the tank to move something the clown was hidding in or behind?
This in itself can stress a fish out enough to cause problems. Ick.........

5) improperly maint. tank
6)non campatiable fish kept together
7)improper foods
8)poor filtration
9)lack of oxygen

I can go on,

If a sick fish or tank full of fish bounce back and fourth from good to bad I am sure one or more resons are to blame. If you treat a tank for ick but realize the fish is hidding. Then you poke around to see if he / she is alright.
guess what ? Ick will never leave due to the fact that the fishes imune system can't fight off a parasite oor disease under extra stress.
Now don't misunderstand bacause there are times you may need to poke around or catch a sick fish (salt bath, relocating, ect. ) but UNnessecery poking around can prove to be costly.

Just an example though cause again NOT seeing the fish / illness I can only speculate and or go by what I was told . I am solely reading back the many pm's and post to see what could have or is going wrong. Am I satisfied with the outcome? NO! fish is still sick , alot of effort and time was put into this issue and I sorta feel as though the help was not really appreciated. May just be me but ................. Sorry Had to speak up...

Hope all goes well and they recover.
PLEASE keep us posted as to what happens or what you decide. I personaly would like to know what comes about for the fishes sake.
And I am sure those who helped and also put alot in would also like to know.

Thanks Danny. Part of my rant was just venting, frustration. I don't think I said anywhere there that I was going to use any other meds now. I won't! Med-free tank for two weeks! I was talking about the future... Also, nowhere did I mean to say yours or cm's advise was "a waste" ... you have been enormously helpful, insightful, and encouraging. It is frustrating that in spite of the best advice, things aren't getting better. But that happens! I re-read, and I don't see any complaints against y'all...

Just the failure of the product :sick:

But I wouldn't say the tank was far along the road to hell at the beginning of this thread! I do think it may have been ich though not visible at the start even.

I poked around 2 times, not moving any decorations just tapping, because I was pretty sure after a LONG look that the clown was dead ... couldn't see gill movement or fin movement, or even eye movement. I don't want to leave a dead fish in there. As you said, there are times you have to poke.

And the sadistic blue platy could hardly be called the strong fish attacking a weaker one. The blue platy has half a tail missing and ich wounds on its fins and tail. After salt bath, next morning, it was attacking other fish relentlessly (though that seems maybe to have subsided). Had it been the one being attacked, I would never have mentioned it, for the reasons indicated here.

Wish I had the hospital tank. But just not feasible.

And while all of the reasons you suggest can cause ich (filtration, oxygen, foods, etc) there is absolutely no way any of these are the underlying cause in this tank.

Incompatible fish would have perhaps been a cause to identify if this happened 2 months ago. But all was well for easily 6 weeks for all inhabitants so I doubt this was it.

The only, and I repeat only, parameter change was a temperature increase of mysterious origin from 77 to 82.

This all started with the sudden bizarre death of a couple of seemingly healthy fish, which showed no signs of trauma or disease (other than being dead). I now suspect it was ich that attacked the gills but that's just a guess.

It may well be there is some disease in there and the ich is secondary.
But I doubt it ... as you say, the most important part of this is looking at the fish, which only I get to do of the folks appearing here.

Whatever the case may be, I'm done medicating the tank. I leave town in 2 days, and return again after 7 or 8. We'll see what there is to see then.

As for future meds, my confidence in Maracide is certainly shaken. But we'll see, odds are I'll go back to it -- though maybe in combination with the Maracyn's from the get-go as former board members here used to advise.....

Best, and happy holidays to all. If there is an update to give before my departure, I'll post it.
No problem, I totaly understood where you were coming from. Guess the fruustration rubbed off alittle. Or I may have misinterpreted your last PM. Not to Worry though no hard feelings at all. Sorry if you felty as though I was mad, not at all. frustrated a tad but thats just the fish in me. LOLLOLOLOLOl

It just sounded as though you were frustrated and tired of the advice.
Whatever the case may be We really hope the fish gets better and hope you have better luck in the future regarless of which med you use.

Happy Holidays and have a safe trip.
thanks pal. no, not frustrated with the advice .... frustrated with good advice not working. clown looking very poorly, 2 dwarf gouramis looking same. i began with 6 dwarfs and will be down to 2 if these don't pull through ... :(

Update upon my return:

Those dwarfs and the clown died the morning I left.

Returned to find another dwarf gourami gone. Literally. No bones, no nothing. Ditto for that pretty baby dwarf bristlenose pleco. Gotta find another I guess.

Worse, one surviving platy had spots. So I'm back at it ... in day two now of:

Maracyn II

Figure I'll fight ick and anything else that may be in there once and for all (I hope).

All water parameters ideal still. No change there. Oh well...
Ahem. Hi guys.

You may have noticed I've been absent a while. I got infatuated with another forum. But to tell the truth, I tried another approach, which had about the same result. Looked like things were getting better, then POW. For a while looked like I was adding fish, clown loaches in particular, too soon. But ick in my tank was going and then coming without new additions, regardless of whether I used maracide, malachite green/formalin, hex-a-mit, or quinine based meds.

And then I got fed up and tried a different approach. I want to share it with as many folks as possible. And I'll be lurking around this and the other forums too if my good results continue. Anyway, here's my story:

Ok, so to refresh, I have a 29G tank. Basic history is an ick infestation since around October, with some velvet thrown in for kicks. Whenever it seemed licked, it came right back.

So I gave up on meds and ordered a Coralife Turbo-Twist 9W UV Sterilizer, with an Aquarium Systems Maxi-Jet 400 (106GPH).

The day I hooked it up, white spots were visible on one platy and several cardinal tetras, with two of the latter showing ragged fins and sitting on the substrate, lethargic. I expected to see them on the filter intake the next morning. As I had meds including some copper in the water, I had run the carbon filter after a water change, for 12 hours, before turning on the UV.

Then turned it on. 36 hours later, no spots on any fish, and the tetras were all swimming around happily. Today is now 4 days spot-free in the tank, tetras fins all healed, and all fish seem to be in the prime of life.

The additional power head in the tank is not so sightly and a bit of a drag, particularly for a tank this small. But it is better than fish dying. The total cost was around $100, which I had already easily spent on a box full of meds and dozens of dead fish.

I recognize it is still soon and anything can happen. But so far, I am delighted with the results and hope this may be of help to others with persistent, raging ick problems. Gonna wait a couple weeks at least before thinking of adding clown loaches again, and will hold my breath when I do.

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