Fish Crazy
I have a 190l Juwel Trigon
5 no. danios (mix of zebra & leopard)
8 no. serpae tetra
8 no. neon tetra
6 no. corydora trilineatus
Temp : 26 deg.
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: about 10-20ppm
My main concern I suppose is the serpae tetra which do have a reputation for being a bit nippy - and they are, but being in a group of 8 means that they tend to only bother each other.
I'm intending to get about 6 amano shrimp to start with and see how things go.
5 no. danios (mix of zebra & leopard)
8 no. serpae tetra
8 no. neon tetra
6 no. corydora trilineatus
Temp : 26 deg.
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: about 10-20ppm
My main concern I suppose is the serpae tetra which do have a reputation for being a bit nippy - and they are, but being in a group of 8 means that they tend to only bother each other.
I'm intending to get about 6 amano shrimp to start with and see how things go.