Animal Lover 2000
yes your right im might rethink this
yes wellit is better than little cups they keep them in and also at least im TRYING to heat it unlike my parents thatsay bettas dont need haet i tell them they do and so on
also im rescuing bettas from deaths by people who buy them wwith no knowledge of the fish and stick it in some thing super small or with fish that will kill or eat it
i may not even leave him in there!!!!!
i was wondering how i should go about heating a 1 liter or 1/4 gallon betta cube
alright ill do that tcomas
okay ill do that kiwi
okay i wont
its okay you were just tring to protect fish kinda like me
also i have a question what should i use the cube for
That's the horrible catch 22 of some fish shops. Even though I know what you are saying is 100% true I sometimes see a fish and know I can save it and that it will be dead in two days if I don't. I got my first green spotted puffer that way...from Wal-Mart! I knew it was wrong to encourage them but I just couldn't help it. He came over the glass and begged me...seriously begged me! It's such a hard emotional thing to just leave it. I've changed now and though it's hard I have the will power not to and to just not visit stores that have practices I hate. There is one LFS here I simply won't go to no matter what I need. Fortunately all the Wal-Marts here are removing their livestock slowly but surely they are getting the idea that this just isn't as easy to do as they think.But by buying betta from terrible conditions you are confirming what the shop already knows- that people will still buy them and they can make money from them...