I know I shouldn't have...


Fish Fanatic
Feb 13, 2004
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I know I shouldnt buy without researching (and I'm usually good about this)... but I saw this fish and just had to have it. At the pet store it was called a Candy Stripe Goby. I asked if it was truly freshwater or brackish because I know most gobies are salt or brackish. The little paper and one of the employee's said it was fresh. When I was at the checkout and the pin number was entered, "brackish" came up on the register monitor instead of fresh... so when I got it home I tested the SG of the water and it was in fresh water. So acclimation commences and into the tank he goes, he's been in there for about 24 hours. He's been staying still and acting shy which I figure is a side effect of just a normal environment change. FYI he's about 3.5" and his tankmates are mostly loaches, a few plecs, dwarf puffers, redtail shark, hatchets and a few other oddballs.

The questions:
Is he really fresh?
Anyone have experiences with these fish and have anything to say about it that I NEED TO KNOW?
Max. Size?

Thanks in advance.
what exactly does he look like? there are both fw and bw gobies, they have many common names so you'll need to be more specific.................
I googled Candy Stripe Goby, and it says it should be kept in a brackish water tank. The scientific name said Awaous strigatus. Maybe you should check with the fish store to see if that's the scientific name of the fish you bought. It also says it gets to 7 inches. Can your tank handle that?
I think that you should give it a little more time. Does the petshop have refunds? I:f it is surviving my guess would be that it is fine but i am not too sure. :drink:

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