I just seen a shocking video

endparenthesis said:
If it makes you feel any better, my research suggests that fish don't consciously experience pain (or anything, really). But so far people don't seem that interested in the science behind these things.
I think that whether a fish consciously experiences pain or not is a moot point here, because the fact is that they do feel pain. Anyone who has seen a fish stress out over poor water conditions or an injury can see that they react to damaging stimuli, which could be interpreted as a form of pain, however primitive. I think that, in keeping a pet which requires live food, one takes on the moral obligation of making the death of said food as quick and painless as possible; and obligation which the person whom this thread is about obviously ignored.
All that aside, the fact that he filmed it and presumably enjoyed watching it is what makes it sick.
What makes it sick?

In the wild the P's would eat a sickly cow that entered the water or any other animal of any size...and despite your protests...you would watch..in awe ,perhaps in disgust....but you would watch...even if you won't admit it.

It is NATURAL...there isn't anything un-natural about it...just because you get attached to oscars (or any other type of fish) doesn't change what it really is...

Maybe the guy was a jerk for feeding the oscar to the P's,maybe he wasn't....what about the guy who feeds bunnies to his boa? is he an ass too?
Well i just saw a part of the video and one persons rather shoddy defence:

"Disagreeing is fine (I'm not a fan of this type of video's either), but if you cannot do that in an at least halfway civilized way (which means without the use of profanity or disrespectful rtemarks), "

Oh yes because putting an Oscar in with 5 or so pirannahs about the same size is sooo civilised.

It wasnt even a very good video!!

Simple, they are RETARDS

Plenty of them around though.
Well I haven't seen the video but I don't see whats wrong with much of it really.

It's natural for the P's to eat other animals in such a way, maybe he could of chosen a less respected fish but thats his choice what he buys to feed.

And whats wrong with filming it, it gives other fish keepers the experience, the Minions have posted feeding time videos up and I think there great.

Maybe he is slightly twisted in the head but the P's were fed so atleast there living a good live.
This isn't really a matter of condoning feeder fish or not. Some people dislike the use of feeder fish and others see it as the natural course of things, survival of the fittest so to speak. Intentionally harming an animal for amusement is not the same though. There is a difference between feeder fish being used for food purpose and cruelty. This seems like animal cruelty but it would be hard to prosecute. Taping the event is the major evidence of cruelty, this person fed the oscar to the piranha so that he could derive pleasure from watching an animal suffer harm.

If it makes you feel any better, my research suggests that fish don't consciously experience pain (or anything, really). But so far people don't seem that interested in the science behind these things.

Is this your personal evidence that you have collected? In actuality there is considerable evidence to suggest that fish do feel pain. Most people who have had an injured or sick fish would probably think that the fish seems to be experiencing pain. Check up with PETA, they have several sources of evidence that they can quote for you.
It's amazing how some of the people in this thread can condemn feeding the Pirhanas like this and go on about how the fish suffered but not realize this is perfectly natural behavior. It's even been pointed out fish don't suffer. They may sense pain but they don't feel it like humans do. Humanizing them is silly and almost laughable. Fish aren't capable of feeling anything. They sense pain but it's not a mental strain or stress on them. I'm not saying it's okay to mistreat fish but this isn't mistreatment. It's cruel by your standards because an Oscar is a higher value than a feeder fish but really there is no difference.

edit: Oh, don't even dare add PETA to this arguement. They're the epitome of the people I just said were silly for humanzing animals. Those people are also blatant liars and little they "prove" is backable.

Here's the article on fish and pain.
There is nothing wrong with it ... If you want to blame someone blame yourselves for supporting wild creatures put in tanks .....if no one would have put fish in tanks then it wouldn't seem sick would it ... it was doing what instinct told it too
guppymonkey said:
Taping the event is the major evidence of cruelty, this person fed the oscar to the piranha so that he could derive pleasure from watching an animal suffer harm.
Taping the event proves cruelty?

Dam..don't watch TLC or Discovery...the things they tape would probably make you want to kill yourself.. :blink:

Taping it proves nothing more then taping a lion taking down a zebra...it is fascinating.... and natural....

It isn't like he taped people beating a dog for god's sake.
I think the real problem here is that the owner just put him in a tank with no chance of survival. And about the matter if it was right or not, I'm not sure about that. The Oscar was large so, it would have been a slower death than a guppy to a large chchild.
BlueIce said:
Taping the event proves cruelty?

Dam..don't watch TLC or Discovery...the things they tape would probably make you want to kill yourself.. :blink:

Taping it proves nothing more then taping a lion taking down a zebra...it is fascinating.... and natural....

It isn't like he taped people beating a dog for god's sake.
There is a difference between the Discovery Channel and this guy. I have never seen a show on the Discovery Channel or Animal Planet where they said watch as we feed this live animal to other animals and gain pleasure from watching it. What this guy did is NOT natural in any way! There is no place on earth where fish are air dropped in on hungry animals and forcably restrained until they are killed over a long period of time. In nature the piranha have to go find their food and hunt it down. I am not saying that feeding feeder fish is cruel, but the manner in which this person fed his fish is cruel. Especially taping the event. Do you tape your fish eating their flake food? Probably not. But taping a live animal being eaten is okay because these fish eat fish when they are in their natural habitat? Thats like saying that dog fights are okay because in nature canines will fight eat other occassionally. Gaining pleasure from watching something suffer is wrong whether you are watching a fish being slowly ripped apart or if you are watching a dog or rooster fight.
Well he added the pirannahas to the tank with no chance of escaping !!!! you guys support things like this happening whether you like it or not .... when you go to the lfs to get a fish you make mroe come in and get more idiots with fish ............
With something like this you need to stay basic....your all getting into way too much depth, and whats bog fighting in the wild got to do with this, passing dogs in the park will bark at each other, yet they will get hit for doing this to shut them up so this is cruel right....?? stopping them from doing whats natural and all!!

what ever the guys intentions were, he fed the P's with a fish and filmed it for other peoples experience.

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