I just seen a shocking video


Smily this!
Apr 21, 2004
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Melbourne Australia.
I just a seen a video from another forum right, this guy said he had no room left for his large oscar so he put it in his Piranha Tank, the poor thing did not stand a chance at all, it tryed to fight back but there was just nothing it could do, once it ran out of puff they charged at it, killing it very slowing it was in so much pain.
I have to ask myself why would anyone do such a thing? i have every thought in my right mind to report him.
Maybe that's just the fish he uses for feeding.
But just by you describing it, it sounds terrible!
Whats the difference between feeding an Oscar to piranha and feeding then with somesort of small feeder fish??

I feed my fish live spiders and other small insects- Are you going to report me as well??

This is going to be the view of most "non fish people" - they won't see it as setting a dog on a rabbit!! so who exactly would you report it too??
If it makes you feel any better, my research suggests that fish don't consciously experience pain (or anything, really). But so far people don't seem that interested in the science behind these things.
From what i know as well that is true, but if you see the video it knew it was in trouble and no where to hide.

WHO WOULD DO THAT :grr: ????

!@#$ %$#@!
Vip said:
From what i know as well that is true, but if you see the video it knew it was in trouble and no where to hide.
That would imply conscious experience.

Don't want to hijack the thread though.

Did he say he did it to feed them? Or just to see what would happen? Or for creepy enjoyment?
He didn't just put it in to feed the Piranha he put it in soley to make a video of them fighting. :no:and it went on for over 30mins (nice quick death) fighting for your life for 30mins cause thats what it did..
I don't see this as any different to people who feed "feeder fish" such as guppies to larger cichlids....

Or is an oscar a more valued fish than a guppy? Is it OK for the oscar to eat fish but not OK for the oscar to be eaten by other fish??

I would never keep a fish that requires feeder fish in order to be healthy.....I am not going to criticise those that do, I just wouldn't be able to do it myself....
I have nothing against feeder fish ,never used them,or like that guy said (vip gave me link,not to watch just to see what was going on).He had no were to put the oscar so he gave it to the Piranha,but to sit there for over 30mins filming it,bit sick to me.
I think the difference here is that the oscar is a lot bigger than guppies/tetras etc and took longer to kill.

I feed my fahaka live crabs and I can't say it's particularly pleasant, but it is over very quickly. The same with snails, shrimp, worms etc. One bite and it's usually over.

On the other hand, if piranhas naturally eat other fish in this slow and seemingly painful way, perhaps it isn't such a horrible thing to do. As responsible aquarists, we endeavour to re-create natural conditions for our fish wherever possible. If this is how piranha expect to eat in the wild, then they should be given that opportunity in captivity.

That said, if the guy was just doing it for the sake of amusement then that is very wrong indeed and he should be made aware that he is held in low regard for such an attitude to fishkeeping.
I agree with Lady Minion in the sense that it wasn't that he fed the Oscar to the pirhanas, it was in the way and time of death. Your average feeder fish is only 2" to 3" at most. These fish won't last 5 minutes in a tank with Pirahnas. The Oscar on the other hand is a much larger fish and, as reported, put up a long fight. Although this is what would happen in the wild (pirhanas do hunt in packs at times) I don't agree that it is the right thing to do in an aquarium when there are plenty of fish in this world that the Pirahna's could have been fed that would not have lasted but a few minutes.

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