I Just Have Some Questions


New Member
Sep 17, 2009
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Hey i was planning on making a 10 gal tank with a dwarf gourami, some tetras, a bottom feeder and some ponds snails, i was wondering if all of those are ok with live plants and what are the best ones? also i havent cycled yet and its a lot of work, could pond snails be used cycle before i put fish in?
Your plants should be just fine.

I would fishless cycle your tank first, prior to putting any fish or snails in.

Hey i was planning on making a 10 gal tank with a dwarf gourami, some tetras, a bottom feeder and some ponds snails, i was wondering if all of those are ok with live plants and what are the best ones? also i havent cycled yet and its a lot of work, could pond snails be used cycle before i put fish in?

this is a good read

i'd avoid the pond snails, malaysian trumpet snails would be a better option as i believe pond snails will eat plants
well i took your advice and didnt add any snails.... but i noticed that there were a few ramshorn snails and a lot of small pond snails that began appearing.... can their eggs survive drying out? they appear in my tanksevery time
are there any others. maybe something that is a bottom feeder or something.
assassin snails are very expensive. and also i just moved my lizard out of a 30 gallon long tank, what would be a good combination for that if i decided to switch over to that.

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