I Just Got An Albino Cory... And I Need Some Help...


Fish Fanatic
Apr 8, 2006
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
I just bought a albino cory, and it is freaking out... it is shooting around the tank, up and down and side to side! I just tested the water and everything is fine. I am wondering if this is normal. is this the type of fish that really needs to be in a small school, would 2 be fine. Any sugestions on what is good to feed it? I have a 10 gal tank with an assortment of guppies, 8 total.
cory's get lonely when they are alone. It is ideal that you keep two or more, as they are a schooling fish. You will then find the more in the tank the more amusing they are
They should be kept in group of there own species atleast 3 as for the shooting around the tank i wouldent worry they are lively little so and sos but they do calm down mine still have little outbursts now and again there so much happier in a group and a pleasure to watch them interact also i feed mine on sinking pleco tablets they love them also tetra prima sinking granular food and cucumber as a treat they love that
corys are very energetic fish so the shooting around is pretty normal...also if you get about 2 more albinos they will all shoot around the tank together! its a very cool site
When i bought 3 albino corys i notice that two of the three were behaving in the same way you described. This went after i turned the lights off and left them off until the following morning (was about 3:00pm when i turned them off).
Give him time he'll be fine,but you should idealy have 3 or more.
I have 8 guppies in the tank too and it is only a 10 gal tank... is adding two more corys too much?
I would personally add the two extra corys to save the single one stress, as long as you keep an eye on the water levels and maintainence, it should be fine.
EDIT: And if anyone noticed that i have only 1 panda cory, the reason is non of my lfs have had any in for yonks!
ok well i am gonna go get two more today.... how long should i wait to do water changes after adding fish?
Thanks for all the help I am new at this and i didn't realize that fish were so complicated :D
I'd do the water change before you buy the fish, that way you dont stress them just after you've got them. Either that or wait a day or so before water changing if you get the fish today.
But easiest thing to do is the water change now, then buy the fish after.
No problem, i'm glad i could add my input to everyone thats helped you :).
Keeping fish isnt complicated once you learn some of the basics, it all fits into place :).
Good luck, and some pics of the corys would be great ;).

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